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"That would be a very poor argument. The truth has already come out, and I am vindicated." "I don't know whether you expect Mr. Reynolds to shield you or not, but, if my mother takes my advice, she will have you arrested, whatever happens." "I intend to," said the housekeeper, nodding spitefully.

In a moment they were gone, leaving Hawe and his several comrades behind. Hawe was spitefully ejecting a wad of tobacco from his mouth and swearing in an undertone about "white-livered Greasers." He cocked his red eye speculatively at Stewart. "Wal, I reckon as you're so hell-bent on doin' it up brown thet you'll try to fire me off'n the range, too?"

I snatched the receiver spitefully, thinking it only the methodical Torrence confirming the appointment made by telephone. But the operator began reading: "SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, September 30, 1917. "Cable from London agent says last forwarding address for Violet Dewing was hotel in Seattle.

I breathed out the name of Seraphina into the moonlight in an increasing transport. "Seraphina! Seraphina! Seraphina!" The repeated beauty of the sound intoxicated me. "Seraphina!" I cried aloud, and stopped, astounded at myself. And the moonlight of romance seemed to whisper spitefully from below: "Death to the traitor! Vengeance for our brothers dead on the English gallows!" "Come away, Manuel."

Why, bless your innocent heart, Evan, the very men who argued the loudest and voted the most spitefully for it came to me for their return tickets home at the end of the session. Of course, we kept the letter of the law. It says that no 'free passes' shall be given. We didn't issue passes; we merely gave them tickets out of the case and charged them up to 'expense."

She had longed to live till that day. I was present at her death. Her last words in this world were addressed to me. "Don't go back, my son don't go back!" I was obliged to go back, if it was only to watch my wife. In the last days of my mother's illness she had spitefully added a sting to my grief by declaring she would assert her right to attend the funeral.

Christine listened with a dreamy pleasure to the flatteries with which Mela plied her in the hope of some return in kind, and not at all because she felt spitefully toward Miss Vance, or in anywise wished her ill. "Who was that fellow with you so long?" asked Christine. "I suppose you turned yourself inside out to him, like you always do." Mela was transported by the cruel ingratitude.

"Well, you could not be much less," said Julia, but with a certain shame-faced change of tone that perhaps, if Percy had been more experienced, might have given him a ray of hope. "Well," said he, "I know one lady that would not treat these presents with quite so much contempt." "Oh, I have seen her," said Julia, spitefully.

In another place she remarks somewhat spitefully, "Madame la Princesse arrived in better health than could have been anticipated; no one could have imagined that she would so soon recover."

And quick-born waves lashed themselves spitefully against the pier and breakwater down beyond the lawn, unseen in the swirling, screaming wildness of it all. Upon one another Schuyler and Blake turned wondering, amazed eyes. In its suddenness, the storm was unbelievable. They stood, side by side, gazing out into the storm. Suddenly, into the hand of Schuyler stole tiny, frightened fingers.