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The white children studied a large "Blue Back" Webster Speller and when one had thoroughly learned its contents he was considered to be educated. Religion: The slaves had their own church but sometimes went to the churches of their white masters where they were relegated to the extreme rear.

She was the best speller in the school and wanted to show off before the new boy. To the surprise of most, Miss Hillary smilingly granted the request. Jessie, however, nodded her head significantly. She wasn't surprised, not she. Why, the top-buggy had come early in the morning yesterday and stayed both to dinner and tea, and she thought it was just horrid mean of Lottie Price, so she did.

His enthusiasm for her voice gave us all great hope of it. David Brower said he would take her away to the big city when she was older. They soon decided to send her in September to the big school in Hillsborough. 'She's got t' be a lady, said David Brower, as he drew her into his lap the day we had all discussed the matter. 'She's learnt everything in the 'rithinetic an' geography an' speller.

There was one among them, Azalia Adams, who stood at the head of Paul's class, the best reader and speller in school. She had ruby lips, and cheeks like roses; the golden sunlight falling upon her chestnut hair crowned her with glory; deep, thoughtful, and earnest was the liquid light of her hazel eyes; she was as lovely and beautiful as the flower whose name she bore.

From what you write about Benjamin I should say that he is the son you ought to consecrate specially to the work of the ministry. He must possess talents of a high order, and his love of learning must develop them rapidly. If he has made himself a good reader and speller, as you say, without teachers, there is no telling what he will do with them.

However, Johnnie kept his attention on the red-headed man. "Well, I'm afraid no two people would ever agree as to which is our best book," said the latter. "But if you'll tell me what you like, I'll do my best to find something that'll suit you." Johnnie, glancing about, reflected that, without question, Cis's speller had come from this very room! The arithmetic, too!

Nothing about the child had been as she supposed. Everybody went down to her, which meant that she had some subtle, indescribable charm, but Aunt Priscilla would have said she had no dictionary words to explain it, though there had been a speller and definer in her day. The little girl had come to "seven times" in the tables.

Taught school before I was married. Had seven children by my first husband. My three husbands were Ike Williams, Eli Treadvan, and Calvin Smiley. When asked about her books standing on her shelves namely Golden Gems, arithmetic, and the Bible, also a blue back speller said she just loved her books. Young folks of today don't love like they did in the olden days.

Miss Price was too wise to allow sentiment to injure her campaign, but too bad-tempered to permit any magnanimity to assist it. Therefore, she called Hannah Clegg. No one ever quarreled with the Cleggs, not even the Prices; they were too good-natured. Besides, Hannah was a fair speller.

She attended the district school, was a fair writer and speller and, like her father very fond of reading. She learned to cook and sew, make butter and cheese, spin and weave, and was very domestic in all her tastes.