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Het as he was, he took a kind o' cauld grue in the marrow o' his banes; but up he spak for a' that; an' says he: 'My friend, are you a stranger in this place? The black man answered never a word; he got upon his feet, an' begude to hirsle to the wa' on the far side; but he aye lookit at the minister; an' the minister stood an' lookit back; till a' in a meenute the black man was ower the wa' an' rinnin' for the bield o' the trees.

Men seyn also, that the bawme growethe in Ynde the more, in that desert where the trees of the sonne and of the mone spak to Alisaundre. But I have not seen it. For I have not ben so fer aboven upward: because that there ben to many perilouse passages.

John's, and our minister, bargaining about it at the Winter fair, and troth they baith spak very weel Now, the priest says it's unlawful to marry ane's cousin; but I cannot say I thought he brought out the Gospel authorities half sae weel as our minister our minister is thought the best divine and the best preacher atween this and Edinburgh Dinna ye think he was likely to be right?"

Shargar was right under the lamp, the man to the side of it, so that Shargar was shadowed by its frame, and the man was in its full light. The latter turned away, and passing Robert, went into the inn. 'Wha's that? asked Robert. 'I dinna ken, answered Shargar. 'He spak to me or ever I kent he was there, and garred my hert gie sic a loup 'at it maist fell into my breeks.

Sae there was some surprise at his no appearin', an' fowk spak o' 't, but no that muckle, for naebody cared i' their hert what cam o' the man. Still whan the men gaed oot to their wark, they bude to gie a luik gien there was ony sign o' 'm. It was easy to think 'at he micht hae been at last ower sair owertaen to be able to win hame.

"She micht hae kenned her secret would be safe wi' me!" "I micht hae said the same, but for the w'y ye spak o' her this vera meenut! Whaur is she, mother? Whaur's Isy?" "'Deed, she's made a munelicht flittin o' 't!" "I telled ye she would never tell upo me! Hed she ony siller?" "Hoo can I tell?" "Did ye pey her ony wages?" "She gae me no time!

And one of the verses ran: "Then up and spak' the Duke, and flyted on his cook, I regard it as a sensible aspersion, That I would sup ava', an' satiate my maw, With the bluid of ony clan of my aversion." James was as fairly murdered as though the Duke had got a fowling- piece and stalked him.

Just as we find the root spak, "to look," begetting words so various as sceptic, bishop, speculate, conspicsuous, species, and spice, we must expect to find a simple representation of the diurnal course of the sun, like those lyrically given in the Veda, branching off into stories as diversified as those of Oidipous, Herakles, Odysseus, and Siegfried.

She stude up an' spak weel, an' weel oot, but no to muckle profit, as 't seemed to me; only I'm maybe no a fair jeedge, for I cudna be rid o' the notion 'at she was lattin' at mysel' a' the time. I dinna ken what for.

And thei seyn also, that Jesu Crist is the Woord of God; and so seythe here Alkaron, where it seythe, that the angel spak to Marie and seyde, Marie, God schalle preche the Gospel be the woord of his mowthe, and his name schalle be clept Jesu Crist.