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You're going to get as many tricky patents as you can on this field, and assign them all to Spaceways. And Spaceways is going to assign them all to a magnificent Space Development Association, a sort of Chamber of Commerce for all the outer planets, and all the stuffed shirts in creation are going to leap madly to get honorary posts on it.

And it would not return direct to Earth or Lunar City for a very definite reason. Cochrane meant to have all his business affairs neatly wrapped up before landing. They could get another show or two across, and some highly involved contracts could be haggled to completion more smoothly if one of the parties Spaceways, Inc. was not available except when it felt like being available.

We have to find out how far we went and if it was in a straight line. We even have to find out how to land! The ship's a new piece of apparatus. We can't do things with it until we find out what it can do." Cochrane stared at him. Then he swallowed. "I see," he said. "The financial and business department of Spaceways, Inc., has done its stuff for the time being." Jones nodded.

"Oh, by the way, I want it understood, Commander, that while I am lending Dave to you to work on the operation with the professor, I'm not even going to let you pay him. He remains on my payroll, so you can't take him away from me. The Jilolo Spaceways would be lost without him." Walters smiled. "All right with me," he said.

Spaceways, Inc., had a bank-account already amounting to more than twenty years of Cochrane's best earning-power. He was selling publicity for sponsors to hang their commercials on, in a strict parallel to Christopher Columbus' selling of spices to come. But Cochrane was delivering for cash.

If the day-length here was suitable, all his planning was successful. If it was too long or too short, he had grimly to look further and Spaceways, Inc., would still not be as completely a success as he wanted.

His expression was amiable and unawed. "Hello," said Johnny Simms cheerfully. Cochrane nodded curtly. "I bought West's stock in Spaceways," said Johnny Simms, amusedly, "because I want to come along. Right?" "So I heard," said Cochrane, as curtly as before.

Oh, I had to use my own judgment there, Jed. You were so busy! After all, he was scientific consultant to Spaceways. He did pay Jones cold cash for fame-rights. When everything else got so much more important than just the scientific theory, he got in a terrible state. His family consulted Doctor Holden, and we arranged it. He's right down this way!" She pointed.

The project for a congressional investigation of Spaceways would die in committee. But there were other griefs. The useless spaceship hulk had to be emptied of the mining-tools stored in it. This was done by men working in space-suits. Occupational rules required them to exert not more than one-fourth of the effort they would have done if working for themselves.

Presently Jamison conceded privately to Cochrane that he and Bell would need shortly to take off on another journey of exploration with some other expedition. Neither of them thought to retire, though they were well-off enough. They were stock-holders in the Spaceways company, which guaranteed them a living. Cochrane put Spaceways, Inc., into full operation.