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All manner of fantastic notions swept in upon him, and he grew suddenly blind and dizzy rising from his chair totteringly he extended his hands then suddenly sank back again in a dead faint. Sovrani caught him as he fell and Angela ran for water, and tenderly bathed his forehead while Manuel took his hand and held it fast.

"Naturally. If he hears the news on his way, he will probably be back to-night " said Sovrani, but his fuzzy brows were still puckered. Some uncomfortable thought seemed to trouble him, and presently, as if moved by a sudden inexplicable instinct, he took the basket of lilies away from where he had set it in front of his daughter's picture, and transferred it to a side-table.

A few whispered and nudged each other as "the Sovrani" passed them, dressed in her usual quiet black, her head slightly bent and her eyes downcast.

But when the paint and powder come off, the religious mime is often as ill-looking as the stage one! Donna Sovrani has caught this particular example, before he has had time to put on holy airs and turn up the footlights. What do you think about it, Mr. Leigh?"

She was in her white working gown when last seen. Santissima Madonna!" and old Sovrani gave a wild gesture of despair "If any harm has happened to the child . . ." "Harm? Why what harm could happen? What harm could happen?" said the Cardinal soothingly, "My dear brother, do not alarm yourself needlessly " "Let us go to the studio," interposed Manuel suddenly "She may not have heard you call her."

Prince Sovrani took the letter from Bonpre's hand and read it in silence. "Yes I have heard about it already," he said, "And if you indeed know nothing, it is strange! But can you not remember is there no clue to such a report? Were there no sick children brought to you . . . ?" "Ebbene!

Remembering, however, the high repute enjoyed by Your Eminence throughout your career, and taking into kindly consideration your increasing age and failing health, the Holy Father commissions me to say that all these grievous backslidings on your part shall be freely pardoned if you will, Firstly, repudiate all connection with your niece, Angela Sovrani, and hold no further communication with her or her father Prince Sovrani, Secondly, that you will break off your acquaintance with the socialist Aubrey Leigh and his companion Sylvie Hermenstein, the renegade from the Church of her fathers, and Thirdly, that you will sever yourself at once and forever from the boy you have taken under your protection.

"For Donna Sovrani," he said, as he handed both to his master. The Prince took the basket of lilies, and moved by a sudden fancy, set it gently in front of Angela's great work. Glancing at the superscription of the letter, he said, "From Varillo. I had better open it and see what he says."

"I saw you at the inn on the road to Frascati, and watched you shrink and tremble as I spoke of the murder of Angela Sovrani! You screened your face behind a paper you were reading, that was not necessary, for your hand shook, and so betrayed itself as the hand of the assassin!" With a faint moan, Varillo shudderingly turned away and buried his head in his pillow.

He stared, bewildered. "You you . . . !" "Yes. I!" and she smiled "The mysterious and Christian-Democratic 'Angele' is Angela Sovrani. So you see we have been unconscious friends for some time!" His face grew radiant, and he made a quick movement towards her.