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'Oh, nothing; I did not feel inclined to talk, that was all! She stopped, and added carelessly after a pause, 'Don't you ever wonder what is in that soup-tureen? 'No, never, replied the man. 'It is no affair of ours, and the conversation dropped once more, but as time went on, the woman spoke less and less, and seemed so wretched that her husband grew quite frightened about her.

But even when all these were put up on the masts to catch the wind, the boat did not go nearly as fast as the pirates' which kept coming on behind, closer and closer. "This is a poor ship the Prince gave us," said Gub-Gub, the pig "the slowest he could find, I should think. Might as well try to win a race in a soup-tureen as hope to get away from them in this old barge. Look how near they are now!

'Oh, nothing; I did not feel inclined to talk, that was all! She stopped, and added carelessly after a pause, 'Don't you ever wonder what is in that soup-tureen? 'No, never, replied the man. 'It is no affair of ours, and the conversation dropped once more, but as time went on, the woman spoke less and less, and seemed so wretched that her husband grew quite frightened about her.

The entire company was stirred by the arrival of the dowager duchess, and it undoubtedly added new eclat to what was already a fashionable event; for we counted three gentlemen who wore orders glittering on ribbons that crossed the white of their immaculate linen, and there was an Indian potentate with a jewelled turban who divided attention with the dowager duchess's diamond soup-tureen.

"You see," said he to Philosopher Jack, as they chanced one dark night to have a few minutes' talk together near the weather gangway, where Watty paused on his way to the caboose with a soup-tureen, "as the captain says, I've made the bed myself, so I must lie on it and I'm resolved to lie straight, and not kick."

The notary possessed a few of them, and derived from the fact, as it were, an artistic reputation which was prejudicial to his profession, but for which he made up by the serious side of his character. When he learned that Bouvard and Pécuchet had got the soup-tureen, he came to propose to them an exchange. Pécuchet would not consent to this.

'A guard of soldiers will take you back to your hut, said the king. 'Your wife has the key. 'Weren't they silly? cried the grandchildren of the charcoal-burners when they heard the story. 'How we wish that we had had the chance! We should never have wanted to know what was in the soup-tureen! From 'Littérature Orale de l'Auvergne, par P. Sébillot.

The swing-table which for seventy odd days had been always on the move, if ever so little, hung quite still above the soup-tureen. Nothing could have altered the rich colour of my commander's complexion, laid on generously by wind and sea; but between the two tufts of fair hair above his ears, his skull, generally suffused with the hue of blood, shone dead white, like a dome of ivory.

Bouvard, more self-possessed, picked up the broken pieces one by one; and some time afterwards this idea occurred to him: "Marescot, through jealousy, might have been making fools of us!" "How?" "There's nothing to show me that the soup-tureen was not genuine! Whereas the other specimens which he pretended to admire are perhaps counterfeit." And so the day closed with uncertainties and regrets.

"The presents are somethin' wonderful," Mrs. Elliott related on another occasion. "Sally's uncle out in Seattle widower of her that left Austin all that money has sent her a whole dinner-set, white with pink roses on it twelve dozen pieces in all, countin' vegetable dishes, bone-plates, an' a soup-tureen.