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So moving a spectacle wrought compassion in Xavier; he was earnest with the viceroy for leave to stay upon the isle, at least till the arrival of the vessels, which he had left at Mozambique, But he could obtain no part of his request: and Sosa told him, that heaven having designed him for the Indies, it was to be wanting to his vocation if he endeavoured this exchange, and stopped in the beginning of his race; that his zeal would find a more ample field, wherein to exercise itself, than in Socotora, and people of better inclination than those islanders, naturally inconstant, and as ready to forsake the faith, as they were easy to receive it.

But the small number of companions which he had, was not sufficient for the Indies; and it was not till three or four years afterwards that he sent Father Alphonso Ciprian to Socotora. Besides Mansilla, who had not yet received the order of priesthood, he carried with him to the coast of Fishery two priests, who were Indians by nation, and one Biscayner, called John Dortiaga.

Having left Melinda, where they continued but few days, and still coasting Africa, they cast anchor at Socotora, which is beyond Cape Guardafu, and over against the Strait of Mecca. The Moors of that country call it the Isle of Amazons; and the reason they allege is, because it is governed by women.

Meneses, having reported that there was plenty of ginger, cloves, and silver in Madagascar, was sent back there, and traversed a considerable part of the island; but not finding any thing of value, returned to Mosambique, whence he went to Melinda, and Brava, and thence to Socotora, where he built a fort, of which he appointed one Antonio de Noronha to be captain.

In the evening we went on board, and early the next morning being the 3rd of April, 1625, we set sail. After some days we discovered about noon the island Socotora, where we proposed to touch. The sky was bright and the wind fair, nor had we the least apprehension of the danger into which we were falling, but with the utmost carelessness and jollity held on our course.

According to Pinkerton, these are called Melibar and Gesurach in the Trevigi edition, and he is disposed to consider the last as indicating Geriach, because of the pirates. But there seems no necessity for that nicety, as all the north-western coast of India has always been addicted to maritime plunder or piracy. Socotora is called Scorsia or Scoria in the Trevigi edition.

They chiefly venerate St Thomas; and it is an ancient tradition amongst them, that this holy apostle, in going to the Indies, was cast by a tempest on their coast; that being come ashore, he preached Jesus Christ to those of Socotora; and that from the wreck of that ship which brought him thither, they built a chapel in the middle of their island.

Of Madagascar, Ethiopia, Abyssinia, and several other Countries . A thousand miles south from Socotora is Magaster or Madagascar, one of the largest and richest islands in the world , 3000 miles in circumference, which is inhabited by Saracens, and governed by four old men. The currents of the sea in those parts are of prodigious force.

Marco Polo touched here, and alludes to the Christians of the island. In speaking of two isles near Greater India, inhabited respectively by men and women, he adds: 'They are Christians, and have their bishop, subject to the Bishop of Socotora. Socotora hath an archbishop not subject to the Pope, but to one Zatuli, who resides at Baldach, who chooseth him.

The air is in a perpetual sultry heat, the soil is dry and barren, and, excepting only for the aoes which is there produced, and is indeed the best which grows in those eastern parts, even the name of Socotora would not be mentioned. It is not certainly known what religion they profess, so monstrous is their belief.