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The snowfall was still as thick as ever, and of course we could not see fifteen steps before us; but all about us the white glare of the snow-bed enabled us to discern the smooth sugar-loaf mounds made by the covered sage-bushes, and just in front of us the two faint grooves which we knew were the steadily filling and slowly disappearing wheel-tracks. But we had not thought of this.

The day had just broken when the Yorkists advanced through a thick snowfall, and for six hours the battle raged with desperate bravery on either side. At one critical moment Warwick saw his men falter, and stabbing his horse before them, swore on the cross of his sword to win or die on the field.

In February of 1885, one morning after a light snowfall, I went tramping through the woods north of Toronto, when I came on something that always makes me stop and look the fresh tracks of an animal. This was the track of a Cottontail Rabbit and I followed its windings with thrills of interest.

Those who had no provisions and could not induce any storekeeper to grubstake them for a winter's prospecting, quit the country in disgust; and the price of land dropped in the boom towns of the Fraser as swiftly as it had been ballooned up. Prospecting during the winter in a country of heavy snowfall did not seem a sane project.

He spoke of finding his way among white oily creeks that wound among gleaming ebony mud-banks over which showed the summits of the distant hills that had been skeletonised by a thin snowfall; and of icy air that was made glamorous as one had thought only warmth could be by the blended lights of the red sun on his left and the primrose moon on the right.

The Mono trail ran along the level creek-bed, and, less than two feet in width, was like a groove, walled on either side by the snowfall of months. The problem of how forty-odd sleds and three hundred dogs were to start in so narrow a course was in everybody's mind. "Huh!" said Shorty. "It's goin' to be the gosh-dangdest mix-up that ever was.

But the wireless could not talk through all the storm and we had no warning of the German movement until the snowfall died down." "What are we going to do?" asked John. "We'll stay on the site of Chastel at least until morning, which can't be far away." John looked at his watch. "It will be daylight in two hours," he said. "Oh, by the way," exclaimed Carstairs, "what became of Weber?"

It was sheltered perfectly from those terrific winds which sometimes for days together would drive screaming over the levels. And in this crevice, at the first heavy snowfall, a big white bear had curled herself up to sleep. "She had had a good hunting season, with plenty of seals and salmon to eat, and she was fat and comfortable.

Why, I'm a regular cut-up." "You stop making fun of yourself! I like it when you're earnest like when you saw that beautiful snowfall last night.... Oh dear, isn't it hard to have to miss so many beautiful things here in the city there's just the parks, and even there there aren't any birds, real wild birds, like we used to have in Pennsylvania." "Yes, isn't it! Isn't it hard!" Mr.

Without protection from the warm spring sun, the snows of the winter might melt in a week and cause tremendous torrents, the whole of the melted snowfall rushing down the stream in a very short time.