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There were no books to speak of the Bible, a few current novels, some of the more significant histories, and a collection of antiquated odds and ends in the shape of books inherited from relatives. The china was good of a delicate pattern. The carpets and wall-paper were too high in key. So it went.

These words were spoken in tones which might have startled a suspicious mind. But the widow was none. "God bless you!" she said, kissing her at parting." I will see you when I come from church." "Will you?" said Margaret, with a significant but sad smile. Then, suddenly rising, she exclaimed: "Let me kiss you, dear Mrs. Thackeray, and thank you again, before you go.

They patronised craftsmen who looked not into their hearts, but into the past who from the court of the Kalif brought pretty patterns, and from classical antiquity elegant illusions, to do duty for significant design. They looked to Greece and Rome as did the men of the Renaissance, and, like them, lost in the science of representation the art of creation.

The thoughts of so many people streaming out in all directions about me entangle and bewilder me." "You do not seem to like anything exceptional." "No, I do not," said Beth. "I like the normal the everyday. Great events are not the most significant, nor are great people the most typical. It is the little things that make life livable.

In art more directly than in other activities man's self-expression is cumulative and finds an immediate reward; for it alters the material conditions of sentience so that sentience becomes at once more delightful and more significant. In industry man is still servile, preparing the materials he is to use in action.

They were both described as hermits, differing from the rest of their kind only in that they denied themselves no reasonable luxury and seemed to have adopted a shut-in life from a pure love of seclusion. The master was never seen at the stores. It was the servant who made the purchases, and this by means of gestures which were often strangely significant.

But it is significant that in this case, where the sudden amalgamation of a number of isolated cantons into a new political unity might have so naturally suggested the idea of a representative constitution in the modern sense, no trace of any such idea occurs; in fact the very opposite course was followed, and the communal organization was simply reproduced in a far more absurd manner than before.

"Because good and generous emotions are more common to the human heart than we are aware of till the appeal comes." "Don't ask me to think that! I have found the world so base." "Pardon me a rude question; but what do you know of the world?" Beatrice looked first in surprise at Harley, then glanced round the room with significant irony.

All he had seen that day, all the significant and stern expressions on the faces he had seen in passing, were lit up for him by a new light. "Not take prisoners," Prince Andrew continued: "That by itself would quite change the whole war and make it less cruel. As it is we have played at war that's what's vile! We play at magnanimity and all that stuff.

Out of the many upheavals we propose to select the eruptions of 1631 and 1779, as being amongst the most significant. Ever since an outburst in the year 1500, the Mountain appears to have lapsed into a remarkable condition of quietude, even of apparent extinction, for over a century and a quarter, during which period, it may be remarked, the Sicilian volcano of Etna was unusually active.