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For Dad's bureau for Bruce's bureau for the boys' bureau, table cloths to go downstairs, towels for the shelves in the bathroom. Two little shirtwaists for Rebecca with little holes torn through them where collar and belt pins belonged. Her last journey took her to the big, third-story room where the three younger boys slept.

"Do you know, Kate, I just came over a-purpose to see if you'd come. What kind of clothes are they wearing in Boston? Are shirtwaists going to have tucked backs or plain? I am going to make over my gray alpaca, and I wouldn't put the scissors into it till I seen you." "Come upstairs, Marthy, and I'll show you my new shirtwaists." "Land sakes," said the spinster, bridling.

"And Marrin " Joe felt himself getting hot. "Has given the job to us men." "How many are there?" "Forty-five." "And the women?" "They're busy on shirtwaists." "And what did the men do?" "As they were told." "So you fellows are cutting under the strikers you're scabs." Izon clutched the chair harder. "I told them so I said, 'For God's sake, be men strike, if this isn't stopped."

When I clerked at the Enterprise Store in Beloit the women used to come in and ask for something we didn't carry just for an excuse to copy the way the lace yoke effects were planned in my shirtwaists. You ought to see the way those same shirtwaist stack up here.

She had worn shirtwaists with a broad "Gibson" shoulder tuck, when other Winnebago women were still encased in linings and bodices. Do not get the impression that she stood for emancipation, or feminism, or any of those advanced things. They had scarcely been touched on in those days. She was just an extraordinarily alert woman, mentally and physically, with a shrewd sense of values.

"I thought so," commented Elviry. "How much was the goods a yard six cents? I thought so. Hum Margery's every day shirtwaists were none of them less than thirty-nine cents a yard, in New York. But of course that's beyond you. I don't suppose your father's had a raise, yet. He ain't that kind. Does he pay Levine any rent for that cottage?" "Of course, every month!" exclaimed Lydia, indignantly.

And always the heartiest in their congratulations were the men who were left behind, his brother officers, or his fellow traders, the men of the Sun Hat Brigade, in their unofficial uniforms, in shirtwaists, broad belts from which dangled keys and a whistle, beautifully polished tan boots, and with a wand-like whip or stick of elephant hide.

On the wings of a twelvemonth, spring had come around again and the taste of summer was like poppy-leaves between the teeth, and the perennial open shirtwaists and open street-cars bloomed, even as the distant larkspur in the distant field.

"Ma, are you going to stand there and let her talk to me thataway? I notice she's willing to borrow my loud shirtwaists and my loud gloves and my loud collars." "If ma had more gumption with you, maybe things would be different." Mrs. Hassiebrock limped to the door, dangling a pail. "I 'ain't got no more strength against her. My ears won't hold no more. I'm taking this hot oil down to Mrs.

He had been accustomed to her only in trim tailor suits and shirtwaists, or in riding costume of velvet corduroy, and he was not prepared for this new revelation. She seemed so much softer, so much more pliant, and tender, and lissome. She was a part of this atmosphere of quietude and beauty. She fitted into it just as she had fitted in with the sober office furnishings.