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He had expected to find her weeping, surrounded by women, but her eyes were tearless and the news of Shine's arrest was not yet known in the township. Harry fell on his knees by her side and clasped her about the waist. There was a sort of dull apathy in her face that awed him. He did not kiss her. 'I've heard, dear, he whispered. 'All's over.

Olga Obosky and her three dancing-girls, Careni-Amori, and several of the Brazilian ladies possess Ostend costumes in which they disport themselves with complacent disregard for public opinion, favourable or otherwise. "She's got 'em all skinned a mile," was Morris Shine's comment upon Olga's lithe, graceful figure. "Ain't that so, Abey?" The remark was addressed to Abel Landover.

He understood that the career of Joe Rogers as a gold-stealer was drawing to a close, and the knowledge brought him a certain sense of relief in spite of the fact that he quite realised Shine's danger, and was more than ever devoted to the searcher's daughter, more than ever pleased with the idea of her hearing some day how faithful and bold he had been, how true a knight to his liege lady.

He was forced to the conclusion that he had made a fool of himself, and the thought that possibly that girl of Shine's was now laughing with the rest rankled like a burn and impelled many of the strange oaths that slipped between his clenched teeth. The more he thought of his escapade the more ridiculous and theatrical it seemed.

"I know the most wonderful antique shop," Warren began, and just then was interrupted by Shine Taylor and a dizzy blonde person with whom he maxixed through the Hindu draperies, each deftly balancing a champagne glass. "Here, Reg, you neglect your other guests. Come on in!" Shine's companion held out a wine glass to Warren, but her eyes were fixed in a fascinated stare upon Montague Shirley.

There was a light burning in Shine's skillion, and Dick's knock was answered by Miss Chris, who wore her hat and was on the point of leaving for her home at Summers'. 'I want your father, said Dick quickly. 'The troopers 'r' after him. Tell him to bolt. 'Dickie Dickie, whatever do you mean? cried Christina, greatly agitated.

The investigations of the people stopped short at the entrance to the shaft, where Peterson mounted guard and warned them off in the name of the law, and meanwhile Hardy and McKnight were pegging out the land preparatory to applying for a lease. Downy went straight from the quarry to Shine's house, and, much to his surprise, found the missing man's daughter there.

'Do you know where this Shine's to be got at? asked Downy, appealing to Harry, who had been working in concert with the detective ever since his appearance in Waddy. 'Yes, was the reply. 'I know his house. He'll be easily taken. 'Then go with the sergeant. Take Casey's horse. It'll be with the other. Here, he threw Harry a revolver.

Then she actually seized his hand. 'Don't go, Dickie, she said, 'I want to speak to you. Miss Christina sent me. Kitty was a member of Christina Shine's class at the chapel, and was one of half a dozen to whom Miss Chris represented all that was beautiful and most to be desired in an angel. The mention of Christina's name served to divest Dick of all pretentiousness.

'God bless you for that, mother' said Harry fervently, and his mother looked at him sharply, surprised by his tone. 'Shine has been arrested, she said. 'The police have taken him in to Yarraman. 'Taken Shine taken! 'He was captured while I was there. Mrs. Hardy told her son the story of Shine's arrest, and Harry sat with set teeth and eyes intent for some minutes after she had finished.