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'An' what is meant by that, Mr. Shine? The widow, flushed of face, with her work thrust forward in her lap and a steely light in her fine eyes, regarded the searcher steadily. 'An offer of marriage to yourself is meant, Mrs. Haddon, ma'am. Shine's eyes came sliding up under his brows till they encountered those of Mrs. Haddon; then they fell again suddenly.

Harry Hardy had loitered behind his mates on the flat, and when the boy caught up to him again he turned to him with nervous anxiety. 'What did that girl want with you, Dick? he asked. I heard her mention Miss Shine's name. He noted the set, stubborn look with which he was now familiar fall upon the boy's face like a mask, and he questioned no more on that point.

Shine's mud-coloured eyes floated uneasily from one form to another, but were raised no higher than the knees of the men, seemingly. 'Yes, search 'em carefully, Brother. I s'pose you'd like ter jug the whole family. 'Taint agin yer Christian principles, is it, Mr. Superintendent, to send innocent men to gaol? Quod's good fer morals, ain't it?

Harry did not linger, but turned and sped off to wards Shine's home, leaving Dick cowering against the fence. The young man had no defined intention he did not know what he should do if he found Shine in the house. His divided interests left his mind confused at the crucial moment, but he did not relax his speed until he was within a few yards of the searcher's door.

What the devil did the other one interfere in what didn't concern him fer? But we've got it in spite of 'em. Rogers had plunged his hands into the skin bag. 'All, Rogers, all! For the moment Shine's cupidity triumphed over his fears. 'Every blessed ounce. All the stuff I've been puddlin' away in the floor o' that drive fer weeks. An' the nugget, ain't it a beauty ain't it a beauty?

He placed his cane against the hall tree, and followed his host into the jollified apartment. He did not overlook the swift glide of Shine's hand into each of his overcoat pockets in the brief interval. Here was a skilful "dip" Shirley, however, had taken care that the pickpocket would find nothing to worry him in the overcoat. Warren's establishment was a gorgeous one.

The boy crept after them to the extent of the trunk behind which he was hidden, and when he looked again they had disappeared. Creeping silently in the shadows and amongst the scrub ferns, Dick followed until, resting a moment, he heard distinctly the words: 'Why did you hit him again? Good God! did you want to kill him? The voice was Ephraim Shine's. 'No. That won't kill him.

It would not bear thinking of, so he thought of it for hours, and swung his whip-lash against the log on which he sat, and quite convinced himself that he was hating Shine's handsome daughter with all the vehemence the occasion demanded. In many respects Harry was a very ordinary young man; bush life is a wonderful leveller, and he had known no other.

A. Risen Shine's congregation, and, finally, that he was a born meddler in other folks' affairs. These facts all should be borne in mind; they have their value. With Tecumseh Sherman Glass, Jeff spent some time in a confidential exchange of words.

At tea that evening Harry broached the subject of his visit to the chapel. He knew his mother would hear of it, and thought it best she should have the melancholy story from his lips. 'Do you see much of Shine's daughter, mother? he asked.