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He hath caused those who run after their fads and fancies to become objects of general reproach, and hath exposed the arrogant to public view; He hath made those of the friends who proved infirm of faith to serve as a warning to every beholder, and hath caused the leaders of those who waver to love but themselves and sink down in self-conceit.

His self-conceit was supreme, and had always stood him in such stead with the young ladies who, to use his own expression, were 'dead nuts on him, that his love-making, under whatever circumstances, always took the form of genial banter de haut en bas.

"Allow me to believe that many decisive proofs may have escaped your notice on account of your inexperience," he said. But interrupting him with a gesture, she sadly remarked: "You are mistaken; I am not inexperienced." He could not help smiling at what he considered her self-conceit. "Poor child!" said he; "how old are you? Eighteen?" She shook her head.

This was the result of the "sizing up," as it formulated itself in what might be called a "first draft," in Temple's mind: "He's a smooth, plausible, conscienceless scoundrel; "He's so far filled with self-conceit that it sometimes blinds him;

It means the laying aside of our self-conceit and admitting to ourselves that, judged by eyes less partial than our own, there may be much in us that is objectionable, that calls for alteration. It means toleration for views and opinions diametrically opposed to our most cherished convictions.

God will humble him; God will overthrow him; God will bring his plans to nought; if by any means he may make that man ashamed of himself, and empty him of his self-conceit, that he may turn and repent in dust and ashes, when he finds out what those proud Laodicaean Christians of old had to find out that all the while that they were saying, 'I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, they did not know that they were wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.

"Of course, I should have put myself out of the question," added the weird old man, with that inimitable self-conceit peculiar to himself. "I guessed then and there in a moment where the police were going wrong, and where they would go on going wrong until the mysterious death on the Underground Railway had sunk into oblivion, together with the other cases which they mismanage from time to time.

We walk upon it, we breathe it; we live and die by it; it makes the nails and axles of the universe; and a puppy in pyjamas prefers self-conceit! The huge dark man stood over against Herrick by the line of the divers' helmets, and seemed to swell and glow; and the next moment the life had gone from him. 'I beg your pardon, said he; 'I see you don't believe in God?

Whether or not he belonged originally to some higher race for there are as great differences of race among Negroes as among any white men he looks down on the Negroes, and indeed on the white men, of other islands, as beings of an inferior grade; and takes care to inform you in the first five minutes that he is 'neider C'rab nor Creole, but true Barbadian barn. This self-conceit of his, meanwhile, is apt to make him unruly, and the cause of unruliness in others when he emigrates.

"I knew not," replied Sibyll, bitterly, "that Sibyll Warner was more below the state of Lord Hastings than Master Hastings was once below the state of Lady Katherine Nevile." "Thou art distraught with thy self-conceit," answered the dame, scornfully; and, losing all the compassion and friendly interest she had before felt, "my rede is spoken, reject it if thou wilt in pride.