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He had early learned that it was wise to get along well with sea-cooks, since sea-cocks were notoriously given to going suddenly lunatic and slicing and hacking up their shipmates with butcher knives and meat cleavers on the slightest remembered provocation. Besides, there was an equally good bunk all the way across the width of the steerage from the Chinaman's.

"The beggars have chopped my fingers," growled Williams. "I say, Mounseer, don't make quite so free with that iron of yours, or I'll smash your top-lights." "I wish I had three on 'em on Point Beach, one up and one down. I'd sarve you out, you d d frog-eating sea-cooks!" said Roberts, squaring at the privateer's men with clenched fists.

"Where are Hi! aloft there! oh, my wind! Ahoy there, you !" Then followed, as the big burly man recovered his breath, a startling volley of words expletives and sea terms, in which he denounced the gang of men aloft as sea-cooks and lubbers, and threatened divers punishments and penalties for their carelessness.

He had witnessed the little incident. "I'd sooner hear about Melissa's pirates and sea-cooks," whispered Wilberforce shrilly. "Order, please!" commanded Mr. Bingle, taking his place at the reading-table. "Please be seated, Mr. Force. Hi! Look out! Not on top of Rosemary." "Good heavens! I might have squashed her or him. What are you? A boy or a girl?"

Why, the wimmen-folks of Vienny will put p'isen in your biscuits if you go home beat by anything that Smyrna can turn out. Git a-holt them bars! Clench your chaws! Now, damye, ye toggle-j'inted, dough-fingered, wall-eyed sons of sea-cooks, give her tar give her tar!"

Though Falk was still white under his bloody bandage, his voice was stronger. "I'll remember this," he said. "Maybe I'll give you a day or two of grace before you swing. Oh, you can laugh at me now, you white-livered sons of sea-cooks, but the day's coming when you'll sing another song to pay your piper."

"The beggars have chopped my fingers," growled Williams. "I say Mounseer, don't make quite so free with that iron of yours; or I'll smash your top-lights." "I wish I had three on 'em on Point Beach, one up and one down. I'd sarve you out, you damned frog-eating sea-cooks!" said Roberts, squaring at the privateers' men with clenched fists.

Get on with that, you sea-cooks," he bawled at two fellows who were doing nothing. All over the ship, men were hauling, splicing, and stowing cargo. "To-day's Friday: we're off on Wednesday with any luck. Will you come this way?" He led us down the companion to a dark hole which he called the saloon. "Names? What! are you Mr. Treffry? Then we're partners!" A schoolboy's glee came on his face.

Having secured some pieces of rope-yarn to the legs of his unmentionables, he stood up and began blowing away with might and main into the upper portions, stopping every now and then to gain breath, and to shout, "Give way, lads, with a will give way like troopers give way, ye hardy sons of Neptune, or of sea-cooks, if you prefer the appellation. Give way like Tritons.