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The mother was the first to recognize the voice, and rushing forward she caught her child in her arms, murmuring in her own language: "Mein Kind! Mein Kind! Gott sei Dank!" My child! "Mein lieber Nellie! Komm an mein Herz! Kannst du es sein?" Come to my heart! "O meine abtrünnige Schwester! Wie du uns erschreckt hast! Wie es mich freut dich zu finden!" What a scare you have given us!

"We used to come out here in the early morning, my little Schwester and I, to see which rose had unfolded its petals overnight, or whether this great peony that had held its white head so high only yesterday, was humbled to the ground in a heap of ragged leaves. Oh, in the morning she loved it best.

Briefwechsel zwischen Schiller und seiner Schwester Christophine, herausgegeben von W. von Maltzahn, Leipzig, 1875. Schillers Briefwechsel mit dem Herzog von Augustenburg, herausgegeben von Max Mueller, Berlin, 1875. Geschaeftsbriefe Schillers, gesammelt, erlaeutert und herausgegeben von K. Goedeke, Leipzig, 1875.

I see it with the eyes of my soul, and hear it with the ears of my eternal spirit, and feel in every part of my body the power of the Holy Ghost.” P. Gall. Morel, Offenbarungen der Schwester Mechthild von Magdeburg, oder das fliessende Licht der Gottheit, Regensburg, 1869. The general tenor of her writings is contemplative and prophetic.

"CHARLOTTENBURG, den 30 August, 1712. "Ew. Churf. Daraus kann man auch die PREDESTINATION sehen, dass alle seine Bruder haben daran sterben mussen, dieser aber bekommt sie ohne Muhe wie seine Schwester. "Ew. Churf. Durchl. gehorsamster Diener und treuer Sohn, "Your Electoral Highness's most obedient Servant and true Son,

At last he appears before the heavenly throne to claim his guerdon, but is told by an invisible genius that two flowers bloom for humanity, Hope and Enjoyment. Who has the one must renounce the other. The high Faith that sustained him on earth was his sufficient reward and the fulfillment of Eternity's pledge. Wer dieser Blumen eine brach, begehre Die andre Schwester nicht.

The house at which I stopped was a six-roomed "cottage," but whilst I stood on the doorstep, waiting to gain admittance, at least fourteen persons passed in and out. At last a wizened old woman, scrutinising me suspiciously, answered my inquiries. "Yoski! yes, he live on the tird floor back, vis his vife and schwester. Yes, you will find him in."

A sudden revulsion of shame for his unjust suspicion filled John with tenderness. "Mein Schwester," he said fondly, they had always the habit of using the German tongue for fond epithets, "mein Schwester klein, I love you so much I cannot help being wretched when I see you in danger, but I am not angry." Nestling herself close by his side, Carlen looked over into the water.

The next moment, to my horror, Alma Pflugel had dropped to her knees before the table in the damp little arbor, her face in her hands, her spare shoulders shaking. "Ich kann's nicht thun!" she moaned. "Ich kann nicht! Ach, kleine Schwester, wo bist du denn! Nachts und Morgens bete ich, aber doch kommst du nicht." A great dry sob shook her.