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Probably contemporaneous with the composition of the third volume of the work, but possibly earlier, Schummel wrote the fourth part of a ponderous novel by a fellow Silesian, Christian Opitz, entitledDie Gleichheit der menschlichen Herzen, bey der Ungleichheit ihrer äusserlichen Umstände in der Geschichte Herrn Redlichs und seiner Bedienten.” Goedeke implies that Opitz was the author of all but the last part, but the reviewer in the Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek maintains that each part has a different author, and quotes the preface to the fourth as substantiation.

In 1778 another translation of this book appeared, which has been ascribed to Bode, though not given by Goedeke, Jördens or Meusel. Its title wasDer Koran, oder Leben und Meynungen des Tria Juncta in Uno.” The Almanach der deutschen Musen treats this work with full measure of praise. The Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek accepts the book in this translation as a genuine product of Sterne’s genius.

First published in 1830, with a Vorerinnerung by Von Humboldt. Schillers Briefwechsel mit Koerner, herausgegeben von K. Goedeke, Leipzig, 1874; also a later edition by L. Geiger, Stuttgart, 1893. The correspondence was first published in 1847 and soon after translated into English by Simpson, 3 vols., London, 1849.

Briefwechsel zwischen Schiller und seiner Schwester Christophine, herausgegeben von W. von Maltzahn, Leipzig, 1875. Schillers Briefwechsel mit dem Herzog von Augustenburg, herausgegeben von Max Mueller, Berlin, 1875. Geschaeftsbriefe Schillers, gesammelt, erlaeutert und herausgegeben von K. Goedeke, Leipzig, 1875.

But, on the other hand, he was never for a moment insensible to the moral hideousness and the tragic folly of Moor's conduct. It was to be sublime, but insane and calamitous nevertheless. One is justified in thinking, therefore, that Goedeke goes too far, or does not express the truth felicitously, when he says that the author of 'The Robbers' 'felt himself one' with his hero.

To meet the new demand a historico-critical edition was undertaken by Goedeke, with the assistance of several sub-editors. The result was Schillers, Saemmtliche Schriften, Historisch-kritische Ausgabe, 15 vols., Cotta, Stuttgart, 1868-76. This edition aimed at completeness, arranged the works chronologically and went deeply into the matter of variant readings.

Of the others who have followed his lead, ten, for particular reasons, should be authorities: Franz Muncker, Karl Hessel, Karl Goedeke, Wilhelm Scherer, Georg Mücke, Wilhelm Hertz, Ernst Elster, Georg Brandes, Heinrich Spiess, and Herrn. Anders Krüger. But no one of them offers any proof except Strodtmann's statement to this effect.