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The name on the lady's card ran thus: 'Baroness Zerlinski'. She desired rooms on the third floor. It happened that Nella was in the bureau. 'On the third floor, madam? questioned Nella, in her best clerkly manner. 'I did say on de tird floor, said the plump little old lady. 'We have accommodation on the second floor.

"You are off your head, Monsieur le Baron," said Louchard; "there is a third endorsement." "Yes, dere is a tird endorsement Cerizet! A man of de opposition." "Will you write an order on your cashier, Monsieur le Baron?" said Louchard. "I will send Contenson to him and dismiss my men. It is getting late, and everybody will know that " "Go den, Contenson," said Nucingen.

"I offered Parmelee Stebbins a tird share in 'De Pride o' Passion' fer a hunded tousand dollars, and de damn fool turned me down, and de picture has made a million and a quarter a'ready." "Well," said I, "he's probably paying for it by sitting up late to buy the city council on this new franchise grab of his; and so he hasn't kept his date to dine with his expensive family at Prince's.

"Und when you haf two dings, you haf not tree dings ain't it? Now you follow mit me close und I show you. It takes tree dings to hang. First ding, you haf to haf der man. Goot! I am der man. Second ding, you haf to haf der rope. Lawson haf der rope. Goot! Und tird ding, you haf to haf someding to tie der rope to. Sling your eyes over der landscape und find der tird ding to tie der rope to? Eh?

The house at which I stopped was a six-roomed "cottage," but whilst I stood on the doorstep, waiting to gain admittance, at least fourteen persons passed in and out. At last a wizened old woman, scrutinising me suspiciously, answered my inquiries. "Yoski! yes, he live on the tird floor back, vis his vife and schwester. Yes, you will find him in."

I tumble forward into de swamp wid de dog underneath me, and dere I lay, wid my mouf sometimes above de water sometimes below, till de dog was drowned. "Den I start for de next station. I was hit in de hip, and it took me tree days to crawl dat twenty-five miles. On de tird ebening I knock at de door ob de house, and when it was open I tumble down in faint inside.

De tird day dey avades in rite ter de middle, 'n each shoots up de odder dead. Yessir, 'n dere bodies float down ter 'ere." He looked up and pointed. "Dey was a gooman up dere," he said. "A gooman?" "Yes, a man wat 'ad a gooman all to 'isself." "Dey was an ole town all made o' stones," our guide explained, "where dis man made 'is gooman.