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"What?" "To give that chair to Mina Schulenberg, and all so quietly." "Miss Callender Phillida may I call you Phillida?" A tone of entreaty in this inquiry went to her heart and set her thoughts in a whirl. It was not possible to say "No."

"Did she did she not try to make your sister well?" "Yes; but believing is all good enough for the back, but it is no good when you're real sick insides. You see it is consumption." "Yes; I see," said Millard. A rush of feeling came over him. He remembered Mina Schulenberg as she sat that day about a year ago the day of his engagement near the bust of Beethoven in the park.

As to the burning discs at the spring festivals, see above, pp. 116 sq., 119, 143. Op. cit. ii. 260 sq., iii. 936, 956, iv. 2. p. 360. Op. cit. ii. 260. Op. cit. iv. i. p. 242. W. von Schulenberg, in Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Jahrgang 1897, pp. 494 sq.

It is now the property of Arthur Annesley Powell, Esq., and is occupied as a school." Faulkner mentions the tradition of its having been a hunting-seat of King Charles II. Croker says it is supposed to owe its name to Melesina Schulenberg, created by George II. Duchess of Munster. For some time before it was pulled down it was used as a lunatic asylum.

"That is true," said Phillida, remembering how many betterments might be made in the coffee-room and the reading-room if only one had the money, and remembering how her own beloved Charley had helped the Mission and made the lot of the unhappy Wilhelmina Schulenberg less grievous.

Schulenberg knelt by a stool on the other side of the stove, burying her face in her apron. Never was prayer more sincere, never was prayer more womanly or more touching.

She had been the beginning and in some sense she had been the ending of his engagement. Millard walked away from Rudolph in a preoccupied way. Suddenly he turned and called after him: "I say Schulenberg!" The young man faced about and came back. Millard said to him in a low voice and with feeling: "Will you let me know if your sister dies? Come straight to me.

"I promised when we should reach Paris to speak the truth, Count Schulenberg; and as you are not satisfied with as much as I have vouchsafed, hear the whole truth. You say that in consenting to accompany you, I gave a proof of love. Think better of me, sir! Had I loved you, I might have died for you, but never would I have allowed you to be the partner of my disgrace.

"But you are not quite strong," said Millard. "Do you get better?" "Not so much now. It is my faith is weak. If I only could believe already, it would all to me be possible, Mr. Millard. But it is something to walk on my feet, isn't it, Mr. Millard?" "Indeed it is, Miss Schulenberg. It must make your good brother glad."

She was not the strong-framed peasant, but of lighter build and somewhat finer fiber than the average immigrant, and her dark hair and eyes seemed to point to South Germany as her place of origin. "Wilhelmina she so badly veels to-day," added Mrs. Schulenberg. "I don' know" and she shook her head ominously "I vas mos' afraid to leef her all py herself already. She is with bein' zick zo tired.