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Picturing herself as a kitchen mechanic brought a wry smile to her sweet face, but it was honorable employment and she preferred it to being a waitress or an underfed and underpaid saleswoman in a department store.

As I return I meet Ephrinell, who is coming back to his traveling companion. He shakes my hand Yankee fashion. I tell him that Miss Horatia Bluett has given me news of him. "Oh!" says he, "what a woman yonder! What a splendid saleswoman! One of those English " "Who are good enough to be Americans!" I add. "Wait a bit!" he replies, with a significant smile.

"Well, I couldn't exactly say I knew her, and yet I might say, after a manner of speaking, that I did to a certain extent. You see, they put her in my department when she first came here to work. She was a good saleswoman, as saleswomen go. For the matter of that," he added with a sudden access of energy, "she was the last girl in the world I'd take for a thief."

"But whither do you intend to go, and what do you wish to do?" asked her mother in amazement, while her father cast searching glances upon her. "To Berlin, and seek a situation as saleswoman," said Leonora. "What money I earn I shall send to you, and you will spend it for your wounded soldier.

"She walked right back inside, big as life, hunted around until she found her own hat, and handed the mink one to the saleswoman, who had just sent a store detective out after her. The detective escorted her to the door that time, but it didn't worry her in the least.

If a saleswoman has excellent business ability, she may, after years of experience, become an important influence in the management of the store. Some departments offer greater opportunities than others. The more expensive the article to be sold, the more is required from the saleswoman. A very young girl will not be found selling coats and cloaks or expensive suits and dresses.

She smiled as, with an access of tenderness, in spite of his experience and power she suddenly felt years older than Ditmar. She could help him!... She was breathless when she reached the shop in Faber Street. "I hope I haven't kept you waiting," she said. "Oh no, we don't close until ten," answered the saleswoman. She was seated quietly sewing under the lamp.

She had a curious instinct for trade terms; she could not buy a yard of veiling without an eager little talk with the saleswoman; the chance phrase of a conductor or the woman in the French laundry amused and interested her. Away from all the repressing influences of her childhood, healthy and happy, she met the claims of the new state with a splendid and unthinking passion.

I want him to give me a sitting." Then he went on to relate how a market saleswoman had found his friend Marjolin one morning in a pile of cabbages, and how Marjolin had grown up in all liberty on the surrounding footways. When an attempt had been made to send him to school he had fallen ill, and it had been necessary to bring him back to the markets.

"If you will allow us," said M. de Guersaint, "we will choose ourselves." "Very well. That's it, monsieur. Afterwards we will see!" And as some other customers now came in, Apolline forgot them, returned to her duties as a pretty saleswoman, with caressing words and seductive glances, especially for the gentlemen, whom she never allowed to leave until they had their pockets full of purchases.