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At last I have told him of Sada San's plight; and he is for starting for Kioto to-morrow to "wipe the floor with Uncle Mura," as he elegantly expresses it. But of course he 's still too weak to even think of such a journey. He makes me join in the gaieties that still go on despite the turmoil and unrest. I must tell you of one dinner which, of the many brilliant functions, was certainly unique.

"I am afraid of him," Asako had confided to Tanaka, when the guest had departed, "because Sada San said that he wants to divorce his wife and marry me. You are to stop here with me in the room whenever he comes. Do not leave me alone, please." "Ladyship is daimyo," the round face answered; "Tanaka is faithful samurai. Tanaka gives life for Ladyship!" It was the week before New Year.

I have just come from an interview that was deliciously illuminating. Sada San has disappeared; and, so goes their acute reasoning, as I was the last person in Uncle's house, before her absence was discovered, the logical conclusion is that I have kidnapped her. Two hours ago the scared housemaid came to announce that "two Mr. Soldiers with swords wanted to speak to me."

I believe that the Zeyds are divided into different sects. Those of Yemen and Mekka acknowledge as the founder of their creed El Imam el Hady ill el Hak Yahyn ibn el Hosseyn, who traces his pedigree to Hassan, the son of Aly. He was born at Rass, in the province of Kasym, in A.H. 245, and first rose as a sectary at Sada, in Yemen, in 280.

There was only a fragment of a plan in my mind; I had no further communication from Sada, and knew nothing more than that the wedding was only a day off. We decided to go to Uncle's house together. I was to get in the house and see Sada if possible, taking, as the excuse for calling, a print on which, in an absent-minded moment, I had squandered thirty yen.

"At that time the talk was of Sada San; this time the talk is of Asa San." A flash of inspiration struck Mr. Fujinami Gentaro, and a gush of relief. By giving her to Ito, he might be able to side-track Asako, and leave the highway to inheritance free for his own daughter. But Ito had grown too powerful to be altogether trusted.

Refeydha, Arabs Abyda, Arabs Harradja, a town in the district of the Senhan Arabs; which also contains the fertile wady called Raha Homra, a place inhabited by the Senhan Arabs: at one day's journey eastward is Wady Nedjran, belonging to the tribe of Yam-Thohran, inhabited by the Wadaa tribe: this place is high in the mountain, but the Wadaa occupy also the low valleys Bagem, a tribe of Arabs: eastward of them resides the powerful tribe of Kholan Arabs Dohhyan, of the Sahhar tribe-Sada: from Sada the most usual stages to Sanaa are Beit Medjahed Djorf Kheywan and Houth, two places in the district of the Hashed tribe Zybein, Omran- Sanaa-Seven days from Sada to Sanaa.

His heart was in his eyes, but there is no use tampering with a to-be-incarnation by encouraging worldly thoughts. So I said I had not seen her since we landed. They were due on board the Siberia in Yokohama to-night on their way to China. I waved them good wishes and went on, amused and not a little troubled. Worried over Sada, hungry for Jack, lonesome for you.

But I made Sada San know the Prince Red Head was coming to her rescue, if the engine did not break down. Now there is nothing to do but wait and pray there are no weak spots in Billy's backbone. Cable just received. William is on the wing! PEKING, CHINA, February, 1912.

With a great artist like Sada Yacco in the death scene of "The Geisha and the Knight," the effect is overwhelming; the whole woman dies before one's sight, life ebbs visibly out of cheeks and eyes and lips; it is death as not even Sarah Bernhardt has shown us death.