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Either situation will develop the skill, though in different directions, and do not forget that in spite of better soil it takes greater individuality to make a truly good and harmonious garden on the flat than on the rolling ground. I always tremble for the lowlander who, down in the depth of his nature, has a prenatal hankering for rocks, because he is apt to build an undigested rockery!

In several parts, especially verse 18, the text is obviously defective. 1. tzihuactitlan; "the land of the tzihuac bushes." The tzihuactli is a small kind of maguey which grows in rocky localities. The tenth edifice of the great temple at Tenochtitlan was a wall surrounding an artificial rockery planted with these bushes.

At every turn as we rode up the winding avenue some new beauty caught our eyes, all of which were pointed out and expounded by Farmer Brown, who seemed to take as much pride in the place as though it belonged to him. Here it was a rockery where a thousand bright-coloured stones shone out through the ferns and creepers which had been trained over them.

This formed a sort of rockery; conspicuous upon which, according to the principles of the art of composition, a cabbage was relieved against a copper kettle, and both contrasted with the mail of a boiled lobster. 'My gracious goodness! cried the lady of the house; and then, turning in wrath on the young man, 'From what rank in life are you sprung? she demanded.

It was really an improper thing for us to do though we did not particularly think of it at the time. If he came home and found the rockery gone he might not like it." "Steve is rather peculiar, some ways," remarked Jonas. "Is he? In what way?" This remark of his had seemed to bear upon the hidden subject. She had hope of receiving moral enlightenment from the masculine standpoint.

As they arrived opposite the small gate, they all, as if by simultaneous thought, stopped at once. The object of their sudden interest was a rockery in the front yard. This work, a pile of smooth boulders about three feet in height, and as yet only partially covered with young vines, was the only scenic rival to the artificial pond in the Harmons' front yard.

At the right, the lower end of the knoll and the gap with its bed of heliotrope are prominent, while between, at a third distance, is the proposed location of the white-birch screen, the old wall rockery, etc.

The tall tree ferns seemed ready to burst through the glass roof, and were ornamented with little hanging baskets on their branches, containing choice and delicate specimens, while at their base was a rockery over which played a tiny fountain, causing the exquisitely pinnated feathery fronds of the ferns to tremble incessantly.

"But the conflict!" said Bensington, "the stress! I don't know if you have imagined " "You ought to have been some sort of little vegetable, Bensington," said Cossar "that's what you ought to have been. Something growing over a rockery. Here you are, fearfully and wonderfully made, and all you think you're made for is just to sit about and take your vittles.

In our little back-garden, my Father had built up a rockery for ferns and mosses and from the water-supply of the house he had drawn a leaden pipe so that it pierced upwards through the rockery and produced, when a tap was turned, a pretty silvery parasol of water. The pipe was exposed somewhere near the foot of the rockery.