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If we ask, indeed, how and why it was that evil, whether physical or moral, originally came into the world, the Gospel returns no answer, or an answer which, at best, merely echoes the ancient mythology of Jewish traditional belief "By the envy of the Devil sin entered into the world, and death by sin": an answer which indeed denies emphatically that evil had its origin in GOD, and declares its essential root to lie in opposition to His will, but without attempting any explanation of the difficulty of conceiving how opposition to the will of GOD is possible.

I have a few letters to write first." "And you?" says Tita, looking at Mrs. Bethune. "I, too, have some letters to write," returns Marian. Her tone is quite ordinary, but to the young girl gazing at her there seems something defiant in her eyes and her smile. What is it in the smile a sort of hateful amusement. Tita leaves the room.

But it must be risked, and if you will fulfil the most ardent desire of a faithful heart " "Gently, my little Wolf, gently," she interposed soothingly. "If I am right, you mounted our narrow stairs to seek a wife and, when my father returns, you will ask for my hand." "That I will," the young knight declared with eager positiveness.

A commonplace of ten thousand homes, when the man returns from his toil. Yet it moved me.

But if a man remain in one place he shall see that the place changes. The pagoda of my temple stands up silently out of all the trees, like a yellow pagoda above many green pagodas. But the skies are sometimes blue like porcelain, and sometimes green like jade, and sometimes red like garnet. But the night is always ebony and always returns, said the Emperor Ho.

Even the eye-glasses radiated disapproval. "I see nothing amusing in the idea," Edgar protested coldly. "It is a plain business proposition. I find the outlay will be small, and if I am successful the returns should be large; at a rough estimate about one million dollars." Even to-day, no true American, at the thought of one million dollars, can remain covered.

Now the reeds take it up forget, forget, they sigh, and it dies away in a rustle and a whisper. Then the voice returns 'Lest limbs be reddened and rent I spring the trap that is set As I loose the snare you may glimpse me there For surely you shall forget! Row nearer, Mole, nearer to the reeds! It is hard to catch, and grows each minute fainter.

These brilliant parterres, whether seen in the vast domains of the master or the humble homesteads of the men, delightfully break the red and white uniformity of the City of Chocolate, flowers above, around, on every side. There is also a profusion of fruit and vegetables, land quite recently laid under cultivation soon yielding returns in this favoured spot.

O'Brien was still bent on peace "he jist telephoned to the next door an' got the returns, as he called them, and had 'em posted up in his saloon.

The pointing deviates towards the west in the morning, then rapidly moves towards the east until about two o'clock, after which it slowly returns to its original direction. The dip of the needle goes through a similar cycle of daily changes.