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If baby cries, look at once to see if it needs a fresh napkin; if not, if any pins are sticking into it, if the clothing is possibly too tight; if none of these things are wrong, give it a sup of water and turn it over on the other side. The baby often becomes restless by sleeping for several hours in the same position. But on no account take the infant up out of its crib simply because it cries.

I won't have it about me when I am travelling. Draw your chair a little more this way. Now listen." In the mean time Myrtle, who for some reason was rather nervous and restless, had found a pair of half-finished slippers which she had left behind her. The color came into her cheeks when she remembered the state of mind she was in when she was working on them for the Rev. Mr. Stoker.

I'm sure it's no worse than to spend hours of restless tossing in bed, trying to sleep." But our young detective did neither. As he was putting his supper dishes away, a messenger boy knocked at his door and handed him a note. It was from Mr. Gryce and ran thus: "Steal off, if you can, and as soon as you can, and meet me in Twenty-ninth Street.

But faint noises coming thence from horses restless at the pickets, and from visitors taking their leave, recalled its existence, and reminded him that, in consequence of Matilda's arrival, he had obtained leave for the night a fact which, owing to the startling emotions that followed his entry, he had not yet mentioned to his friends.

"What's the matter, John dear?" "Restless." "What is it?" "Oh, nothing much. Just got to thinking about something and can't sleep. That's all. Go to sleep now, like a good girl. I'm all right." The little fingers sought his hand and gripped it. "I'll try." She rose at dawn. He had asked an early breakfast to make a long trip into the country. At the table she watched him furtively.

But in general, there is an unusual degree of movement and restless change." II, page 142. G. D. H. Cole, "Introduction to Trade Unionism," page 11. G. D. H. Cole, "Introduction to Trade Unionism," page 61.

He wore a sprinkling of powder upon his head, as if to make himself look benevolent; but if that were his purpose, he would perhaps have done better to powder his countenance also, for there was something in its very wrinkles, and in his cold restless eye, which seemed to tell of cunning that would announce itself in spite of him.

He knows and he feels. He would be a master if he did not live alone. I have known him since his childhood. People think that he is solitary and morose. He is passionate and timid. What he lacks, what he will lack always to reach the highest point of his art, is simplicity of mind. He is restless, and he spoils his most beautiful impressions.

Ellen grew restless with the desire to go and see, and to change her aunt's company for his; and no sooner was Miss Fortune fairly shut up in the buttery at some secret work, than Ellen gently opened the door at the head of the lower stairs, and looked down. Mr. Van Brunt was standing at the bottom, and looked up. "May I come down there, Mr. Van Brunt?" said Ellen, softly.

But upon the summit of the nearest hill they paused and looked over a restless welter of foliage that glittered in the sun, far down into the highway. It bustled like an unroofed ant-hill, for the road was alive with men who seemed from this distance very small. Duke Alessandro's attendants had found him and were clustered in a hubbub about their reviving master.