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But I said to them plainly, wages to go on with, but opportunity's my game development. We understood each other." He threw out his chest, and the little round eyes behind his glasses rested valiantly on imaginary employers. We would go on in silence for a space while he revised and restated that encounter. Then he would break out abruptly with some banal phrase.

In fact, the governor felt it to be an honour to meet a soldier who had been decorated for gallantry in action and so expressed himself. Later he called in the reporters and restated the fact; but when one of the reporters inquired into the reasons for Sergeant Ginsburg's visit at this time the governor shook his head. "The business between us was confidential," he said smilingly.

It is time to part from the public life of the greatest public man whom Scotland has known. That side of Knox's work, attractively presented to the world at first in the memorable biography of Dr Thomas M'Crie, has been admirably restated by Dr Hume Brown for a later age and from his own judicial standpoint. But Knox's public life was not the whole of his work: in bulk, it was a small part of it.

Luke's Covered Market close by, the stall-keepers were preparing their stalls just as though it were Saturday, just as though a Town Councillor had not murdered his wife at last! It was stated, and restated infinitely, that the Povey baking had been taken over by Brindley, the second-best baker and confectioner, who had a stall in the market.

Winthorpe, calmly, smilingly, restated his purpose and his motives. Winthorpe took his arm, and calmly, smilingly, tried to soothe, tried to convince him. John drew his arm free, and, employing it to add force and persuasiveness to his speech, renewed his arguments, pointed out how unnecessary, inhuman, impossible the whole thing was. "It's monstrous. It's against all nature.

The Brezon brisant, breaking wave he took as type of the billowy form of limestone Alps in general, and his analysis of it was serviceable and substantially correct. This lecture was followed in 1864 by desultory correspondence with Mr. Jukes and others in The Reader, in which he merely restated his conclusions, too slightly to convince.

I let fly a broadside at them, in a single sheet of paper, under the title of "A Fresh Pursuit"; in which, having restated the controversy between them and us, and reinforced our charge of forgery, &c., against Thomas Hicks and his abettors, I offered a fair challenge to them, not only to Thomas Hicks himself, but to all those his compurgators who had before undertaken to acquit him from our charge, together with their companion Jeremy Ives, to give me a fair and public meeting, in which I would make good our charge against him as principal, and all the rest of them as accessories.

During the afternoon there were more lovely impressions. He and Angela sat alone in the cool parlor for two hours after dinner while he restated his impressions of her over and over. He told her how charming he thought her home was, how nice her father and mother, what interesting brothers she had.

I do not want to "explain" Ben's words "away": I want to know how on earth Mr. Greenwood explains them away. I diligently search Mr. Greenwood's scriptures, asking How does he explain Ben's "memorable words" away? On p. 106 of The Shakespeare Problem Restated I seem to catch a glimmer of his method.

The differences between the leit-motif in Lohengrin and the leit-motif in Tristan are two: in Tristan they are more significant indeed, they are pregnant to bursting and more fully charged with energy and colour; also they are not stated and restated in their elementary form as in Lohengrin, but continually subjected to a process of metamorphosis.