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She and Jeffrey were always friends, although they met but seldom. Sometimes she sent him a book; it was his custom to search for the earliest mayflowers and take them to her; once in a long while they met and talked of many things. Jeffrey's calendar from year to year was red-lettered by these small happenings, of which nobody knew, or, knowing, would have cared.

Patriotism, especially, came in when the undertaker, bearing the pall with red-lettered border, Rebellion, finds the dog, with upturned, knowing eye, and parted jaws, suggestive as much of a good grip as of laughter, half risen upon fore-paws, as far from "dead" as ever, mounting guard over the old bone "Constitution." The curtain fell at last amid peals of applause and calls for the actors.

Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow, 1886. The Women's Christian College, Madras, 1915. The Vellore Medical School, 1918. These three names and dates are red-lettered in the history of international friendship, for through them the college women of America and India are joined into one fellowship of knowledge and service. Lal Bagh.

Meanwhile the soul of the maiden was thrilling to the Patriarch's tales of early Christian conquests in her islands at Paphos at Salamis of the miracles of the great Paulus, saint and bishop and leader as her eyes followed along the red-lettered parchment page of the rare volume which the holy man had brought from the treasures of the "Marciana" for her teaching translating the story from the Greek, which was yet hard for her, into her own softer tongue.

There is a holiday on every red-lettered saint's-day in the calendar; when this, or no other excuse occurs, it is termed "a regular week," when Tuesday is a whole holiday, Thursday half an one, and Saturday three-quarters.

There are four red-lettered calendars about the house: one with the Sundays in red; one with Sundays and the legal holidays in red; one with the Thursdays in red, Thursday being publication day for the periodical sending out the calendar, and one, our own calendar, with several sorts of days in red all the high festival days here on Mullein Hill, the last to be added being the Pup's birthday which falls on September 15.

Go into the churches of England, and watch their bowings, their genuflexions, their crosses and their candles; see the demeanour of their apostate clergy; look into their private oratories; see their red-lettered prayer-books, their crucifixes, and images; and then, can you doubt that the most dreadful of all prophecies is about to be accomplished?"

The rust of long disuse has been rubbed off by the iron hand of fate, shall we not say, rather, by the good hand of our God upon us? and the awful word stands forth once more, red-lettered and real. Marathon, Waterloo, Lexington, are no longer the conflict of numbers against numbers, nor merely of principles against principles, but of men against men.

Who has not tried the experiment in their youth with the aid of the ceiling and red-lettered advertisement of chocolate or soap, and later in years upbraided the reflected blobs of sun which usually choose a critical moment in which to obscure your vision when you have turned your back upon the sunset.

Now, it curiously happened that whilst waiting for the tea-pan rather than tea-kettle to boil, I accidentally alighted upon a people's calendar, published at Brixen for the current year, protruding its somewhat greasy pages from behind a churn; and after turning over long black-and red-lettered lists of fasts and feasts, came upon some pertinent advice to the Tyrolese farmers by Adolph Trientl, concerning Milzbrand.