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It bore in fact exactly the same relation to the Testament, which the deed leading the uses bore to the Fines and Recoveries of old English law, or which the charter of feoffment bore to the feoffment itself.

He endured the Doctor's hand for a moment on his wrist and temples. "Why, I declare!" laughed the physician with noisy pleasure, "I believe yo' right!" As they descended he explained how such recoveries are possible and why they are so rare, citing from medical annals a case or two whose mention John thought very unflattering.

It had not escaped my notice, even before I began the study of medicine, that whether disease were coaxed with doses too small for mathematical estimate, or whether blown out with solid shot or blown up with shells, the percentage of recoveries seemed to be about the same regardless of the form of treatment.

The recent advances in brain-surgery have, in a measure, diminished the interest and wonder of some of the older instances of major injuries of the cerebral contents with unimportant after-results, and in reviewing the older cases we must remember that the recoveries were made under the most unfavorable conditions, and without the slightest knowledge of all important asepsis and antisepsis.

He sat reeling on the bench, his chin on his breast, catching himself up as before with little sharp terrified recoveries, and I was forced to put my hand on him again to make him understand I had come back. He then made as if to rise, but trembled so violently that he sank down again with a groan, and I was obliged to put my whole strength to the lifting of him to get him on to his legs.

And the likeness of their fortunes carried out the resemblance in their characters. Not only were their lives each a series of great successes and great disasters, mighty acquisitions and tremendous losses of power, sudden overthrows, followed by unexpected recoveries, but they died, also, Demetrius in actual captivity to his enemies, and Antony on the verge of it.

Faced with this dilemma psychiatrists have either called recoveriesremissionsor, like E. Meyer, claimed that one-fifth or one-fourth of catatonics really get well. As a matter of fact it seems clear that stupor is a psychobiological reaction that can occur in settings of quite varied clinical conditions.

Jane's letters were always filled with the child's doings; his illnesses and recoveries; but whenever Lucy mentioned his name, which was seldom, she invariably referred to him as "your little ward" or "your baby," evidently intending to wipe that part of her life completely out.

Spontaneous recoveries occur and such cases are reported by Bouley who is quoted by Cadiot as having observed division of the tendo Achillis due to a sword wound wherein at the end of four months recovery was complete. Division of this tendon in brood mares has been practiced by the early settlers of parts of the United States for the purpose of preventing their straying too far from home.

And it was to him an enigma when occasionally he allowed his thoughts to dwell upon such trivial matters why Honora was not equally congenial with the wives. There were, no doubt, interesting people in Rivington about whom many stories could be written: people with loves and fears and anxieties and joys, with illnesses and recoveries, with babies, but few grandchildren.