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His death, which happened on the 2nd of March, 1791, was considered a public calamity; all Paris attended his funeral; there was a general mourning throughout France, and his remains were deposited in the receptacle which had just been consecrated aux grands hommes, in the name of la patrie reconnaissante.

His voice began to fail, partly through the rigours of the climate, yet he continued to persevere. The bishop entertained him in his palace, and introduced him personally to the audience before which he was to give his recitations. Over the entrance-door was written the inscription, "A Jasmin, le Poete des Pauvres, Saint-fleur reconnaissante!"

In 1806 Napoleon I. restored it to Christian worship; in 1822 the famous inscription "Aux grands Hommes la Patrie reconnaissante" was removed by Louis XVIII., and replaced by a dedication to God and St.

It was evident that Prince Andrew's ironical tone toward the pilgrims and Princess Mary's helpless attempts to protect them were their customary long-established relations on the matter. "Mais, ma bonne amie," said Prince Andrew, "vous devriez au contraire m'etre reconnaissante de ce que j'explique a Pierre votre intimite avec ce jeune homme." *

His "Never again" became a winged phrase, and the more buoyant optimists expected to see over the palace of arbitration which was to be substituted for the battlefield, the inspiring inscription: "A la dernière des guerres, l'humanité reconnaissante." Mr. Wilson's vast project was still more attractive. Mr.

He went for the same purpose, to Castera in the Gers, a decayed town, to recite his poems, in the words of the cure, for "our poor church." He was received as usual with great enthusiasm; and a present of silver was given to him with the inscribed words: "A Jasmin, l'Eglise du Castera reconnaissante!" Jasmin answered, by reciting an impromptu he had composed for the occasion.

It is an adaptation of the inscription over the Pantheon, "Aux grands hommes, la Patrie reconnaissante." In Germany. General Pétain is said to have rejected the suggestion. Cf. Bulletin des Droits de l'Homme, 19ème année, p. 461. It was either Friday, the 4th, or Saturday, the 5th of July. At the end of August, 1919.

This pediment bears the following inscription: "AUX GRANDS HOMMES, LA PATRIE RECONNAISSANTE." In the delirium of the revolutionary fever, when great crimes constituted great men, this sanctuary of national gratitude was polluted. MARAT, that man of blood, was, to use the modern phraseology, pantheonized, that is, interred in the Pantheon.

Je vous serai donc on ne peut plus reconnaissante si vous vouliez bien confier entre mes mains ce que vous possedez, soit en copie, soit original, comme vous le voudrez, m'engageant a vous remettre ce precieux depot des que nous en aurons fait usage, et des que vous le reclamerez.

Secularized almost immediately on its completion, during the Revolution, the building was destined as the national monument to the great men of France, and the inscription, "Aux Grands Hommes la Patrie Reconnaissante," which it still bears, was then first placed under the sculptures of the pediment.