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He tried to speak, but could only wheeze and sputter. He cleared his throat raucously and spat again. "Where where is she?" he managed to say at last. "Shut up! You've dealt her the foulest " He broke off abruptly, struck by the other's expression: Lapelle was staring past him in the direction of the house and there was the look of a frightened, trapped animal in his glassy eyes.

They could not tease each other and flirt raucously, like the telephone-girl and the elevator-starter. Every day he begged her to go to dinner with him, to let him call at the flat, and after a week she permitted him to come. §

Kind of like to tell somebody the joke." "I'm doggone int'rested," said Scattergood. The rough individual with the gun laughed loudly. "May's well tell you," he said, raucously. "Me and the boys was in town yestiddy, calc'latin' to ship some ferns by express. Went into the office. Agent wa'n't there. Safe was. Open. Ya-as, wide open.

Toward nine o'clock to my relief it became obvious that the Re d'Italia was really going to sail at last. The first and second whistles, sounding raucously, sent the company officials and the family of the young officer of reserves ashore.

"You told me Betty was runnin' the ranch, an' you tell this man that you're the son of the man that owns it. I don't see " Calumet smiled saturninely. "Take another drink," he advised. He shoved the bottle toward Dade. "This is your fourth. Then we'll be hittin' the breeze to the Lazy Y. Betty'll be lonesome without me." He laughed raucously, filled his glass and drank its contents.

The stars were pin-pricks here and there in the dense sky. The city flaunted its easy splendor triumphantly before their pallid insignificance. Tarnished purities, forgotten ecstasies, burned-out inspirations so the city shouted raucously to its faded firmament. Dickie's fingers slid into his pocket. The moon had reminded him of his one remaining dime.

She had even smiled and waved her riding crop, but she had done both with so superlative an indifference that it seemed she had not really seen him at all. She was chatting vivaciously with Jimmy and Jimmy had been laughing as raucously as a jackal and so they had passed him by.

The rarest of apparitions on Witch-Face Mountain were "folks." Hanway roused himself slightly, and raucously cleared his throat to explain.

It was with a sigh of relief that Sara, in obedience to the warning raucously intoned by a hurrying porter, vacated her seat in the railway compartment in which she had travelled from Fallowdene.

The sound came raucously from behind a dozen bandaged mouths as the band swept down oil tile camp. And then suddenly: Bang! Bang! Bang! A volley of revolver shots resounded as the jubilant horse hunters as Alverado had shrewdly suspected they were dashed forward. "Oh, Land of Goshen!" screamed Miss Prescott, as, with her fingers in her ears, she fled into her tent and pulled the flap to.