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Updated: November 22, 2024

She's mortal bad, God's truth she is, and haven't eaten nothing this three days past. An' I thought mebbe a bit o' stewed rabbit 'ud tempt 'er." "Pshaw!" Trent was beginning contemptuously, when Sara leaned forward, peering into the poacher's face. "Why," she exclaimed. "It's Brady Black Brady from Fallowdene."

It was with a sigh of relief that Sara, in obedience to the warning raucously intoned by a hurrying porter, vacated her seat in the railway compartment in which she had travelled from Fallowdene.

Conceiving, however, that, after this episode, the air of his native place might prove somewhat insalubrious for a time, he had migrated thence to Fallowdene, establishing himself in a cottage on the outskirts of the village and finding the major portion of his sustenance by skillfully poaching the preserves of the principal landowners of the surrounding district.

But I didn't think 'twas too 'healthy for me down here, back along" grinning "so I shifted to Fallowdene, where me grandmother lives. I came back here to marry Bessie Windrake' she've stuck to me like a straight 'un. But I didn't mean to get collared poachin' again. Me and Bess was goin' to live respectable. 'Twas her bein' ill and me out of work w'at did it."

The central portion of the house, was comparatively modern, built of stone in solid Georgian fashion, but quaintly flanked at either end by a massive, mediaeval tower, survival of the good old days when the Lovells of Fallowdene had held their own against all comers, not even excepting, in the case of one Roderic, his liege lord and master the King, the latter having conceived a not entirely unprovoked desire to deprive him of his lands and liberty a desire destined, however, to be frustrated by the solid masonry of Barrow.

Mentally she determined to broach the subject to Elisabeth as soon as an opportunity presented itself; but for the moment she skillfully drew the conversation away from what was evidently a sore subject, and suggested that Tim should accompany her into Fallowdene, where she had an errand at the post office.

Ne'er-do-well as he was, the mere fact that he came from Fallowdene warmed her heart towards him. "Yes, miss, that's so," he answered readily. "And you're the young lady what used to live at Barrow Court." "Do you know this man?" Trent asked her. "'Bout as well as you do, sir," volunteered Brady with an impudent grin. "Catched me poachin' one morning.

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