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We inquired what was the matter, when it appeared that Bisonette had sent him from this place to Fort Laramie with the sole object of bringing back a supply of tobacco. Our rattle-brain friend, from the time of his reaching the Fort up to the present moment, had entirely forgotten the object of his journey, and had ridden a dangerous hundred miles for nothing.

Theresa would understand her case the best, having been, like herself, a scamp and a rattle-brain before she took it into her head to astonish her friends by becoming a saint.

"They were just beginning to pitch over the mountains, as I came along," stage-driver's expression about the caravan. A fantastic figure of a village coxcomb, striding through the bar-room, and standing with folded arms to survey the caravan men. There is much exaggeration and rattle-brain about this fellow.

Tavia had been tried, she had tried herself, and after having had an opportunity to board any of three trains going toward camp, here she was again stranded! "I'm a first-class simpleton," she decided. "Dorothy was right; always right. I'm a rattle-brain; and they think I am drowned. That is more reasonable, and more charitable, than to think I could be so foolish."

A wad like this takes you thinkin', that is, ef you ain't a low-down rattle-brain like Pete, or a psalm-smitin' son-of-a-moose like that feller, Buck. Course they ain't got no sort o' savvee, anyways, so they don't count nuthin'. But wi' a feller like me things is diff'rent. Now, this is what I got fixed. Y' see you can't have no sort of a time in this yer camp, but it's diff'rent in Leeson Butte.

Ismene had a daughter herself just Xanthe's age, so it must probably have been true. Then why, in the name of all the gods, was Xanthe sad? Is any cause required to explain it? Must a maiden have met with misfortune, to make her feel a longing to weep? Certainly not. Nay, the gayest rattle-brain is the least likely to escape such a desire.

I understand now why northern nations are always more virtuous than southern ones, I see into that whole subject." "O, Augustine, you are a sad rattle-brain!" "Am I? Well, so I am, I suppose; but for once I will be serious, now; but you must hand me that basket of oranges; you see, you'll have to 'stay me with flagons and comfort me with apples, if I'm going to make this effort.

What was the use of throwing a nice, big cannon ball, that might have knocked a man down, away on that poor little fellow, when a pea from a popgun would have made the same impression? Not but what he is brave, but little Mr. B r is so soft. Then there was that rattle-brain Mr. T t who, commencing one subject, never ceased speaking until he had touched on all.

Something he was about to say; but before he had time to speak there came a long shrill peal of the electric bell. Eagle dropped my hands instantly. "By Jove! It must be Jim. He's forgotten his key! I don't want him to see you, Peggy. He's a very good fellow, but a rattle-brain tells everything he knows.

"Very well, if you like," she answered, looking up to smile absently at him. And she began to play a rakish little air which, composed by some rattle-brain at a cafe table, had lately skipped out of the Moulin Rouge to disport itself over Paris.