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Updated: August 22, 2024

'Stop, said the man, composedly. 'I was going to drink to your daughter. Your health, Miss Riderhood. 'That knife was the knife of a seaman named George Radfoot. 'It was. 'That seaman was well beknown to me. 'He was. 'What's come to him? 'Death has come to him. Death came to him in an ugly shape. He looked, said the man, 'very horrible after it.

And my name first became known to Radfoot, through another clerk within a day or two, and while the ship was yet in port, coming up behind him, tapping him on the shoulder and beginning, "I beg your pardon, Mr Harmon ." I believe we were alike in bulk and stature but not otherwise, and that we were not strikingly alike, even in those respects, when we were together and could be compared.

You and your suspicions of my suspicions of him! What are my suspicions of you? You tell me George Radfoot got killed. I ask you who done it and how you know it. You carry his knife and you wear his coat. I ask you how you come by 'em? Hand over that there bottle! Here Mr Riderhood appeared to labour under a virtuous delusion that it was his own property.

I came back, timid, divided in my mind, afraid of myself and everybody here, knowing of nothing but wretchedness that my father's wealth had ever brought about. Now, stop, and so far think it out, John Harmon. Is that so? That is exactly so. 'On board serving as third mate was George Radfoot. I knew nothing of him.

Without it, I could never have gone to that Exchequer Coffee House, or taken Mrs Wilfer's lodgings. 'Some twelve days I lived at that hotel, before the night when I saw the corpse of Radfoot at the Police Station. The inexpressible mental horror that I laboured under, as one of the consequences of the poison, makes the interval seem greatly longer, but I know it cannot have been longer.

'No Poll Parroting! he vociferated, in return. 'Keep your mouth shut! I want to know, you sir, whether you charge that there crime on George Radfoot? 'If you ever do know, you won't know now. 'Perhaps you done it yourself? said Riderhood, with a threatening action. 'I alone know, returned the man, sternly shaking his head, 'the mysteries of that crime.

'I know it, repeated the man, quietly, 'as well as I know that you and George Radfoot were one together in more than one dark business; and as well as I know that you, Roger Riderhood, conspired against an innocent man for blood-money; and as well as I know that I can and that I swear I will! give you up on both scores, and be the proof against you in my own person, if you defy me!

Then, standing out in the gloom, we saw Limehouse Church, where John Rokesmith prowled about on a 'tective scent; and where John Harmon waited for the third mate Radfoot, intending to murder him. Next we reached Limehouse Hole, where Rogue Riderhood took the plunge down the steps of Leaving Shop. Hawkins thought he saw the Artful Dodger ahead of us on the dock.

'Well? Have you finished? asked the strange man. 'No, said Riderhood, 'I ain't. Far from it. Now then! I want to know how George Radfoot come by his death, and how you come by his kit? 'If you ever do know, you won't know now. 'And next I want to know, proceeded Riderhood 'whether you mean to charge that what-you-may-call-it-murder 'Harmon murder, father, suggested Pleasant.

His name first became known to me about a week before we sailed, through my being accosted by one of the ship-agent's clerks as "Mr Radfoot." It was one day when I had gone aboard to look to my preparations, and the clerk, coming behind me as I stood on deck, tapped me on the shoulder, and said, "Mr Rad-foot, look here," referring to some papers that he had in his hand.

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