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This story narrated Ruth's particular interest in Sadie Raby, a strange, wild girl who ran away from cruel people who had taken her "to raise." Her reunion with her twin brothers, Willie and Dickie, and how they all three became the special care of Mr. Steele, the wealthy owner of Sunrise Farm, is told. It is through Ruth's efforts that the Rabys are settled in life and win friends.

This genial furnace warmed the staircase and passages, and cast a fiery glow out on the carriage, and glorified the steep helmets and breast-plates of the dead Rabys on the wall, and the sparkling eyes of the two beautiful women who now stood opposite it in the pride of their youth, and were warmed to the heart by its crackle and glow. "Oh! what a glorious fire, this bitter night.

"And," continued the gentleman, loftily ignoring the comment, "they say that on this night such of the Rabys as died Catholics hold high mass in the church, and the ladies walk three times round the churchyard; twice with their veils down, once with bare faces, and great eyes that glitter like stars." "I wouldn't like to see the jades," quavered Abel: "their ladyships I mean, axing their pardon."

While he was thus doing the cynical, nobody heeded him; quick and skillful fingers were undoing the parcel, and the ladies' cheeks flushed and their eyes glistened, and their fingers felt the stuff inside and out: in which occupation Raby left them, saying, "Full dress, mind! We Rabys are not beheaded every day." Mrs. Little undertook to cut both dresses, and Jael was to help sew them.

I'd rather be a good workman in wood and steel than an arrogant old fool like your b . No, I won't own him for yours or mine either call him Raby. Well, I wouldn't change places with him, nor any of his sort: I'm a British workman, and worth a dozen Rabys useless scum!" "That you are, dear; so don't demean yourself to give any of them lessons. Her godfather would be sure to hear of it."

Hang me, if he has not read it, and restored it!" "So he has. And where's the wonder? Let me read this resuscitated record. 'Edith Little, daughter of Robert Raby, by Leah Dence his wife: why here's a hodge-podge! What! have the noble Rabys intermarried with the humble Dences?" "So it seems. A younger son." "And a Raby, daughter of Dence, married a Little three hundred years ago?" "So it seems."

They have no children of their own, so they claim all the young Littles and Rabys, present and to come; and the doctor has bound both the young women by a solemn vow to teach them, at an early age, the art of putting themselves into his place, her place, their place.