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Updated: December 12, 2024

"Destiny knocking at the door," he thought; drew a stave on the plaster, and wrote in the famous phrase from the Fifth Symphony. "So," thought he, "they will know that I loved music and had classical tastes. They? He, I suppose: the unknown, kindred spirit that shall come some day and read my memor querela. Ha, he shall have Latin too!" And he added: terque quaterque beati Queis ante ora patrum.

"But, as there was no just cause of suspicion," added he, "I am of opinion, the justice is guilty of a trespass, and may be sued for falsum imprisonamentum, and considerable damages obtained; for you will please to observe, sir, no justice has a right to commit any person till after due examination; besides, we were not committed for an assault and battery, audita querela, nor as wandering lunatics by the statute, who, to be sure, may be apprehended by a justice's warrant, and locked up and chained, if necessary, or to be sent to their last legal settlement; but we were committed as vagrants and suspected highwaymen.

No now I go into my grave, and close the door behind me; I have a right to rest after a life so full of trouble and work." "The bell is ringing for prime." "Jam moesta quiesce querela." The Tiber had overflowed Rome, and destroyed quite a quarter of it, but spared the convent of St. Andrew.

Horace, who copied most of his Criticisms after Aristotle, seems to have had his Eye on the foregoing Rule in the following Verses: Et Tragicus plerumque dolet Sermone pedestri, Telephus et Peleus, cum pauper et exul uterque, Projicit ampullas et sesquipedalia verba, Si curat cor Spectantis tetigisse querela. Tragedians too lay by their State, to grieve.

His first offering to his young sovereign was counsel on the training of a Christian prince, with due emphasis on his obligations for peace. In 1517 he greeted the new Bishop of Utrecht, Philip of Burgundy, with a 'Complaint of Peace cast forth from all lands', Querela Pacis vndique profligatae.

Indeed, a person in remainder may have a writ of intrusion, if any do intrude after the death of a tenant for life, and the writ ex gravi querela lies to execute a device in remainder after the death of a tenant in tail without issue." "Spoke like a true disciple of Geber," cries Ferret. "No, sir," replied Mr. Clarke, "Counsellor Caper is in the conveyancing way I was clerk to Serjeant Croker."

'Destiny knocking at the door, he thought; drew a stave on the plaster, and wrote in the famous phrase from the Fifth Symphony. 'So, thought he, 'they will know that I loved music and had classical tastes. They? He, I suppose: the unknown, kindred spirit that shall come some day and read my memor querela. Ha, he shall have Latin too! And he added: terque quaterque beati Queis ante ora patrum.

Horace had said si vis me flere, dolendum est Primum ipsi tibi; Persius distorts this into plorabit qui me volet incurvasse querela. Other expressions more remotely modelled on him are iratum Eupoliden praegrandi cum sene palles, and perhaps the very harsh use of the accusative, linguae quantum sitiat canis, "as long a tongue as a thirsty dog hangs out."

The Church had scarcely recovered from its spoliation before another era of devastation and robbery ensued. During the Cromwellian period much destruction was wrought by mad zealots of the Puritan faction. One of these men and his doings are mentioned by Dr. Berwick in his Querela Cantabrigiensis: We meet with the sad doings of this wretch Dowsing in various places in East Anglia.

In vain had he always written in the cause of peace: Querela pacis, the complaint of peace, the adage Dulce bellum inexpertis, war is sweet to those who have not known it, Oratio de pace et discordia, and more still.

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