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It was an awfu' queer-like picture. I cud nether mak' heid nor tail o't. It was a' juist akinda greenichy-yallichy like, like's somebody had skelt a pottal o' green-kail or something on the sheet whaur the picture was. "I'm dootin' there's something wrang wi' the fokis," says Bandy Wobster.

Folks have corners. They're queer-like and pleasant by spells, and you can't see everything about them at a glance. We must have candles, but I have a hankering for folks as well." Primrose laughed and ran to Betty, who was not as philosophical, and was afraid that the day was spoiled. "The wind is west," said Madam Wetherill. Sure enough, by nine it was a radiant day.

'You was made bad, she said sadly but sympathetically. 'Leastways, you wasn't made like watch-dogs and house-cats and cows. You was made a fox, and you be a fox, and its queer-like to me, Foxy, as folk canna see that. They expect you to be what you wanna made to be. You'm made to be a fox; and when you'm busy being a fox they say you'm a sinner!

About the same hour, in the billet, Willie was disposing of the cocoa-nut by raffle, tickets one penny each. 'A queer-like present to get frae yer aunt, said some one. 'Ay; but she's a queer-like aunt, said Willie, pocketing the useful sum of tenpence.

But I never saw them in my life. 'The Hope Farm is not a stone's throw from here, said the officious landlord, going to the window. 'If you carry your eye over yon bed of hollyhocks, over the damson-trees in the orchard yonder, you may see a stack of queer-like stone chimneys. Them is the Hope Farm chimneys; it's an old place, though Holman keeps it in good order.

So it had only been a rat! Mary felt vastly relieved; and yet not altogether easy. One could not venture to doubt the master, but it was a queer-like sound for a rat to make. Mr. Rattar had brought back a great many papers to-day, and sat engrossed in them till dinner.

"I have been wondering," he said, and then he threw a sudden glance at her that made her hurry for the door. It was not that it was an angry look, but that it was what she called so "queer-like." Just as she went out she noted another queer-like circumstance. Mr. Rattar had stretched out his hand towards the toast rack while he spoke.

"What is a mubble-fubble?" asked Hope, staring. "It's a queer-like feeling of death and sorrow and tears of blood and not lifting your head for groans," said Widow Anne incoherently, "and there's meanings in mubble-fumbles, as we're told in Scripture.

She was almost at the end of her physical strength and consciousness. And in this condition, two men behind her began to talk to the rustle of their turning newspapers. "This is a queer-like thing about Braelands and his wife," said one. "It is a very bad thing. If the wife has gane awa', she has been driven awa' by bad usage.