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"Kay, you tomboy, do not jump that gate again! Suppose that horse should stumble and throw you." "Nonsense, mother. That's mere old hop-Scotch for Panchito. One doesn't get a jumping-jack to ride every day, and all I've ever done has been to pussyfoot through Central Park." "Do you mean to tell me you've never taken a hurdle before?" Don Mike was scandalized. She nodded.

I would make it universal. I should like to see it introduced into the Church itself. Even the dullest sermon would become entertaining if the verger had the right and the habit of interpolating such remarks as: "Cheese it, Pussyfoot!" or "Ring off, you bleedin' old bore, ring off!" There has been too little of this sort of popular raillery in recent years.

"Maybe I did say I would. Anyhow, I thought better of it. But I'm glad some one had the sense to tell Miss O'Neill the truth." "Who do you think brought her?" "I'm not thinking on that subject out loud." "But if we could show Mac " "That's up to you. I'll not lift a finger. Your king of Kusiak has to learn some time that everybody isn't going to sidestep him and pussyfoot when he's around.

Do not wait until you are half dead remember that a stitch in time saves nine, even with health." Even on the subject of the care of children's teeth he makes it clear that, whoever may have come under the blight of Pussyfoot, it is not he: "I believe a Committee is to be appointed to inquire into the failing eyesight and decaying teeth in children.

"There lies the wing of a Vampire Bat," he said, pointing, "in Chancery Lane. It is impossible. Yet," he raised his glass, "'Pussyfoot' Johnson has visited Scotland, the home of Whisky!" We were silent for a while, whilst I considered his remarks. "The conclusion to which I have come," declared Harley, "is that nothing is so strange as the commonplace.

He had been called many things loan-shark, skinflint, tightwad, pussyfoot but he had never before been called a flirt. "He is wicked, isn't he, Mrs. Dawson? Don't you have to lock him up?" "Oh no, but maybe I better," attempted Mrs. Dawson, a tint on her pallid face. For fifteen minutes Carol kept it up.

It ought to have been, considering that we had poured an entire bottle of good sound claret into that tree. The ex-M.P. possibly reflects now on the difficulties with which any attempts to introduce "Pussyfoot" legislation into India would be confronted in a land where some trees produce red wine spontaneously. On another occasion I was going by sea from Calcutta to Ceylon.

At least it was a little like a freer form of the game called 'Confessions' which my friends and I invented in our youth; an examination paper containing questions like, 'If you saw a rhinoceros in the front garden, what would you do? One of my friends, I remember, wrote, 'Take the pledge. But that is another story, and might bring Mr. Pussyfoot Johnson on the scene before his time.

This was accordingly done, to the immense dissatisfaction of the men, who probably regarded it as a forerunner of "Pussyfoot" legislation. They at once christened the mixture "grog," after the Admiral's nickname, and "grog" as a term for spirits and water has spread all over the world, and is used just as much in French as in English.

Many political futures had been wrecked and wasted by ambitious politicians who tried to "pussyfoot" on this issue. But there was no shying away from it by Woodrow Wilson.