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If this ruffian falls, there is truce with his tugs at my purse-strings; and if Lord Dalgarno dies as is most likely, for though as much afraid of cold steel as a debtor of a dun, this fellow is a deadly shot from behind a bush, then am I in a thousand ways safe safe safe." We willingly drop the curtain over him and his reflections.

"It is magnificent," Geoffrey replied; "and it seems to me that the real road to wealth in Spain is to hire yourself out as a guard to travellers." "Ah, you would not get much if you made your bargain beforehand. It is only at a moment of urgent danger that fear will open purse-strings widely.

Donal shoemaker rose, unpuckered his face, slackened the purse-strings of his mouth, and said, "Where my chief goes, I will go; where my chief lives, I will live; and where my chief is buried, God grant I may be buried also, with all my family!" He sat down, covered his face with his hands, and wept and sobbed. One voice rose from all present: "We'll go, Macruadh! We'll go! Our chief is our home!"

Allow us to introduce Nicholas Van Wempel, of Flatbush: fat, phlegmatic, rich, and henpecked. He would like to be drunk because he is henpecked, but the wife holds the purse-strings and only doles out money to him when she wants groceries or he needs clothes. It was New Year's eve, the eve of 1739, when Vrouw Van Wempel gave to her lord ten English shillings and bade him hasten to Dr.

Perhaps he resembled those foolishly vain rich persons, who economize very closely at home, and in their own households, in order to shine more outside. He made very few, not to say no, presents to members of his household; and the first day of the year even passed without loosening his purse-strings.

A fantastic possibility danced into Brilliana's brain. She glanced to where Halfman stood moodily ruminating on the method he would employ to loosen Master Hungerford's purse-strings if he had him at his mercy in a taken town.

What the devil for? Wanted my consent, I suppose? Thought I held the purse-strings, eh?" "Oh no," said Piers, again faintly smiling, "she didn't care a damn about that. She knows I am not dependent upon you. But she has no use for me, that's all." "No use for you!" Sir Beverley's voice rose. "What the what the devil does she want then, I should like to know?"

Here I must bring these prolonged but wholly insufficient observations to a very necessary conclusion. One thing only remains, not to be said, but to be sent round I mean the hat. Ignominious to relate, this glorious foundation stands in need of money. Shade of Sir Thomas Bodley, I invoke thy aid to loosen the purse-strings of the wealthy!

"They are drawing their purse-strings very tight," said Alexander, "and will make no accommodation. The most contemplative of them ponder much over this success of Drake, and think that your Majesty will forget our matters here altogether."

"You won't refuse to do something for me, George," he whined piteously. "I will do nothing for you. Do you hear that, my man? Nothing! You taught me that blood is not thicker than water twelve years ago, when you married Tom Halliday's widow, and drew your purse-strings, after flinging me a beggarly hundred as you'd throw a bone to a dog.