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As you may suppose, the walrus cannot insert prey of any great size into this contracted passage; but that is no matter, as he lives partly on seaweeds, and partly indeed principally on shell-fish; his molars being specially adapted for breaking shells. They are short massive cylinders the upper ones fitting into the lower as a pestle into a mortar. It comes still nearer a fish than the others.

In truth, I have known few great men who have not been beset with one or more such fellows as these, through whom the inferior part of mankind are obliged to make their court to the great men themselves; by which means, I believe, principally, persons of real merit have often been deterred from the attempt; for these subaltern coxcombs ever assume an equal state with their masters, and look for an equal degree of respect to be paid to them; to which men of spirit, who are in every light their betters, are not easily brought to submit.

I don't need to be. It isn't worth it. Not at present, anyhow." His teeth set. He was underestimating Mr. Truman Leslie MacDonald, principally because he did not like him. He thought his father might return and oust him. It was one of the most vital mistakes he ever made in his life. The Coming of Stephanie Platow

Left to himself, he took a turning to the right, which led to a sort of suburban street, principally inhabited by shopkeepers. He stopped at the private door of one of the houses, and let himself in with his own key looking about him as he opened the door, and staring suspiciously at my men as they lounged along on the opposite side of the way.

Of course I've noticed before now that you have an objection. Out with it!" "Have you seen Miss Elvan again?" "No. Have you?" "Two or three times." Franks was surprised. "Where?" "Oh, we've had some walks together." "The deuce you have!" cried Franks, with a laugh. "Don't you want to know what we talked about," pursued Warburton, looking at him with half-closed eyelids. "Principally about you."

But notwithstanding all this, there is a reward for the righteous, a reward for their works of faith and love, whether in a doing or in a suffering way, and that not principally to be enjoyed here, but hereafter: "Great is your reward in heaven."

The maintenance of the conquest was in these years less the work of the King's Justices than of the great houses. Of these, two principally profited, by the untimely felling of that great tree which overshadowed all others in Leinster, the Marshals.

First, Because several of these faculties being exercised at first principally about simple ideas, we might, by following nature in its ordinary method, trace and discover them, in their rise, progress, and gradual improvements.

We remained at Sadong for two days, during which time we were principally engaged in getting our guns in order, after the rough usage they had experienced during our sea voyage in the Sri Laut; and arranged to leave for the Mias district, 30 miles up stream, the third day after our arrival at Sadong.

Unless we have all along been mistaken, the victims of mere delusion and error, here, too, there has been and still is Progress. Primarily and principally what is taking place, is a tremendous revelation of the potencies which in our nature in that which makes us men have escaped our notice and therefore, because unseen or ignored, working in the dark, have not yet been drawn upon and utilized.