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The whole story works out like an equation. I fancy but am not sure a quadratic equation, somehow thus: As I, in a 19th cent. hotel, and in Jaeger underclothing: Calpurnia, on a raft and in a pre-historic cave:: a cold in the head I got: x x X self in hotel and Jaeger costume = Calpurnia on a raft and in a cave X cold in the head. x = pthysis. I think this is right.

Give some characteristics of the people. What contributed much to their prominence in history? What moral inheritance did the Covenanted fathers leave their children? What obligation comes with the inheritance? How should the obligation be met in our day? The beginning of Scotland's evangelization is pre-historic.

Hermann Klaatsch has given a good summary of them, with many fine illustrations, in the above-mentioned work. I refer the reader to it as a valuable supplement to the present work, especially as I cannot go any further here into these anthropological and pre-historic questions.

This is the famous pre-historic battle of Moytura, rather the Southern Moytura, for there were two; the other, situated not far from the present town of Sligo, retaining "the largest collection of pre-historic remains," says Dr. Petrie, "in any region in the world with the exception of Carnac."

They did not know precisely what it was he had done in the pre-historic period of a year before, but they treated him with reverence instead of the amused aloofness with which an office usually waits to see whether a new man will prove to be a fool or a "grouch," a clown or a good fellow. The stenographers and filing-girls and telephone-girls followed with yearning eyes the hero's straight back.

Indeed, the star and crescent of our modern times, of the Turkish flag and elsewhere, are in reality the sun and crescent of antiquity, male and female symbols in conjunction. Lunar ornaments of pre-historic times have been found throughout England and Ireland, and doubtless explain the superstitions about the moon in those countries. The same prehistoric ornaments are found in Italy.

Has a worm envy, a flea hate, a cat pity a hog remorse, or a horse sympathy? If these existed in so-called pre-historic man, when, where, and how did they begin? No one can answer, because there is not a trace of proof that they ever existed. Will natural selection explain the development of the mental faculties? Was art developed because those who lacked it perished?

Someone told him this, and he promptly sat down and wrote to me, enclosing several signed postcards and a drawing of himself at the end of the letter his own impression of what he looked like in the pre-historic scene in Zigzag and a promise of a box for the show as soon as I got to Blighty. Some jolly good fellow! The countless flowers I received were one of the chief joys.

Secondly, this principle and this conception of pre-historic times explain to us the meaning and the origin of the oldest and strangest of social anomalies an anomaly which is among the first things history tells us the existence of caste nations.

Grote has admirably described the rise of the primitive oligarchies upon the face of the first monarchy, but perhaps because he so much loves historic Athens, he has not sympathised with pre-historic Athens. He has not shown us the need of a fixed life when all else was unfixed life.