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"It cannot be denied, a convent which has not the look of a cloister is an obstacle to vocations; the postulant has need and this is quite natural to mould himself in surroundings which please him, to encourage himself in a church which wraps him round, in a somewhat sombre chapel; and to obtain that result you want the Romanesque or Gothic style." "Ah, yes, indeed. And have you many novices?"

It is with this new house, henceforth called San Domenico e Sisto, that one of my earliest recollections of conventual life is connected. The order is one which enjoins strict enclosure. In this order, and almost invariably in every other, a candidate is admitted at first as a postulant for a period of six months a sort of preliminary trial of her fitness for the religious life.

And now began the wearisome and wearing delay of all those slowly- passing months, during which the postulant for the Episcopate was hoping against hope for an enabling act of Parliament, under which the bishops of England might proceed to consecrate him to the office of a Bishop in the Church of God.

I was now alone with the postulant, who made matters pleasanter for me by giving a generous interpretation to the rule of silence in so far as it applied to himself. He told me that, as I had come after the hour of the second meal, the frere cuisinier was not in the kitchen, but at salve; consequently there was no possibility of getting even an omelet made for me.

In the early years, when merely a poor, struggling postulant before the altar of fame, the girl must have been more or less intimate with her dramatic associates, but as time went on and Nance blazed into a star of the first magnitude, the old feeling of fellowship may have become weakened.

After a slender meal, and a spiritual conference, Francis set out with his new postulant for Assisi, to procure what was requisite for clothing. On the way, a woman having asked charity of them, the Saint turned to Giles, and with an angelic countenance, said: "My dear brother, let us give this poor woman the cloak you have on for the love of God."

However, the cardinal-superintendent refuses permission unless the postulant can satisfy him that he is capable of supporting a wife." "How does he choose his bride?" "He tells the cardinal what age and disposition he would prefer, and the cardinal informs the mother-superior." "I suppose you keep a good table, and are comfortably lodged." "Not at all.

However, Aubrey Wyon became for a week a probationer, ludicrously known as Brother Aubrey, after which he remained a postulant only a fortnight before he was clothed as a novice, having by then taken the name of Anthony, alleging that the inspiration to become a monk had been due to the direct intervention of St. Anthony of Padua on June 13th.

Place hunters and canvassers tormented me. One wanted a license to sell tobacco and stamps, another a scholarship for his son, another an increase of his pension. I had only to ask and I should obtain, said they. O simple people, what an illusion was yours! You could not have hit upon a worse intermediary. I figuring as a postulant!

Normally Brother Walter would have been sent to meet him with the Abbey cart at the station three miles away. But Brother Walter was in a state of such excitement over his near promotion to postulant that it was not considered safe to entrust him with the pony. So Mark was sent in his place.