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There is very little trouble, and an infinite use, in acquiring of this knowledge. It seems to me even to be a more entertaining subject to talk upon, than 'la pluie et le beau tens'. Though I am sensible that these things cannot be known with the utmost exactness, at least by you yet, you may, however, get so near the truth, that the difference will be very immaterial.

Le clergyman commença. Sans doute, la saison était fort sèche, car il demanda d'abord au ciel d'envoyer de la pluie. Mais le duc l'interrompit: "Inutile; rien

So that there are men like 'Monsieur Grenouille, qui se cachait dans l'eau pour eviter la pluie. Often have I seen timid and nervous men, who were thought to be cowards, get so excited in action that their timidity has turned to rashness. In truth 'on est souvent ferme par faiblesse, et audacieux par timidite.

Il entra dans Yamgbatsar avec de la pluie, n'ayant pour cortége qu'une cinquantaine de cavaliers avec douze archers, ses esclaves, qui marchoient

«Les flancs et la base de La montagne ont aussi été dégradés par les torrens que produisent la pluie et les neiges fondues, qui ont formé de larges et profondes excavations

We cannot better voice the feeling of the people than by borrowing the song of a poet of the day: Le temps a laissé son manteau De vent, de froidure et de pluie, Et s’est vêtu de broderie, De soleil rayant, clair et beau; Il n’y a beste ne oiseau Qu’en son jargon ne chante ou crie: Le temps a laissé son manteau.

The colour rushed into Jane's cheeks, but she replied without hesitation, 'Oh! different things, La pluie et le beau temps, just as usual. 'Cannot you remember anything more distinctly? 'I always make a point of forgetting what I talk about, said Jane, trying to laugh. 'Now, Jane, let me tell you what has happened in the village as I came down the hill from the club-dinner

Medecins, Villageois, Filles d'Auberge, Garcons d'Ecurie, &c. &c. La scene se passe sur le pont d'Andert, entre Macon et Belley. Il est minuit. La pluie tombe: les tonnerres grondent. Le ciel est convert de nuages, et sillonne d'eclairs.

"There are four main divisions the Northern, Southern, Western, and Montreal Departments, roughly bounded as follows: the 'Western' embraces all the country west of the Rocky Mountains; the 'Northern' is composed of the country east of the mountains, as far as Lake Winnipeg and Lac la Pluie, and from the American frontier to the Arctic Sea; the 'Southern' embraces the southern and eastern shores of Hudson's Bay; and the 'Montreal' extends from Lake Superior down the Gulf of St.

He seemed to wait for something, as, leaning over the rail while the stars came out, he sang to himself, in a soft undertone, a snatch of a Creole song: "La pluie la pluie tombait, Crapaud criait, Moustique chantait "