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"It has made me feel as weak as a great gal. I don't believe that one would have made so much fuss as I do." "There, there, don't worry about it. Go on eating the grapes." "No," said the boy piteously. "Don't feel to want them now. The shoot that went through me turned me quite sick. I say, comrade, I sha'n't want to get up and go on to-morrow. I suppose I must wait another day."

Fully an hour passed before the Bergenstrasse was cleared, and many a dark form lay stretched in the roadway, and not a few who wore the King's uniform. Some lay quite still, their troubles and ambitions over; some attempted to crawl away and hide themselves; while others, too hurt to move, groaned and cried piteously for help.

She stood like a statue, and could neither move nor speak till night, when the Duchess of Vendome came and caressed her until at last the tears broke forth, and she sobbed and wept piteously all night. The next day she retired into the Carmelite convent in the Faubourg St. Jaques, taking my mother with her.

And pausing just outside the village, at a field gate, Delia leant over it, gazing into the lowering sky, and piteously crying to some power beyond some God, "if any Zeus there be," on whom the heart in its trouble might throw itself. Her thought ran backwards and forwards over the past months and years.

As I appeared, this bugaboo, who had caused all the excitement, recognized me as a friend and ran toward me, crying piteously. It was a very small lost kitten! I took up the stray little beastie, and a silence fell upon the assembly in the trees, which began to scatter, each one departing upon his own business in a moment.

Meantime, the little animal grunted as piteously as if it noticed that its finery was being stolen and its beauty impaired. And when Jason, with Mopsus's assistance, put the same ribbons on his own lank pig, it looked neither better nor prouder than before, for it was no lucky animal and did not appreciate beautiful gifts.

She shrank back from him, covering her face with her hands, agonisingly conscious of the change in herself of that shadowing of her beauty which the sensitiveness of a woman in love had so piteously magnified. Then, drawing her hands slowly down, she braced herself to say what must be said. "You are free of me, Michael." She spoke in a curious, still voice.

You have everything that could be asked, even to a certain cheerfulness of outlook which poor Angela, naturally, lacks in a measure." "But but what about me?" asked Phyllis Braithwaite a little piteously, in answer to all this.

But Bertalda only stormed the louder; the repulsed parents wailed piteously, and the company began to dispute angrily and to side with one or the other; when Undine stepped forward, and asked with so much earnest gentleness to be listened to in her husband's house that all was hushed in a moment.

"Wasn't it an unkind, unsisterly thing to do?" she asked piteously. "Oh, I shall never feel the same towards Louisa again. Tom was right I didn't tell you about Tom's letter but I will by and by. I shall not go back to Louisa after her locking me out. When it stops raining I'll go straight up to my cousin Ella's and stay with her until I arrange my plans.