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Again getting under weigh, we sailed round the northern end of Skye, up the Sound of Raasay, between the small island of that name and Skye, to Portree. It stands on the end of a point of land, far up a deep harbour, and is a picturesque-looking place. Here we had a long discussion as to our future proceedings.

If you will push those flowers across between me and the light I shall be quite secure from observation. I think that will do." "But you don't mean to tell me," Gurdon murmured, "that the lady in question is the daughter of that picturesque-looking old ruffian, Mark Fenwick?" "Of course, she isn't," Venner said, with great contempt. "What the connection is between them, I cannot say.

Bailey, the author of Festus; and I was surprised to find myself already acquainted with him. It is the same Mr. Bailey whom I met a few months ago, when I first dined at Mr. -'s, a dark, handsome, rather picturesque-looking man, with a gray beard, and dark hair, a little dimmed with gray.

The priest nodded as he took up the lamp again in answer to the request made to him in his own tongue; and he now spoke a few words to the smuggler which resulted in the picturesque-looking man shaking his head. "The good father," he said to Pen, "asks me if I think the French soldiers will come back; but I think not.

Williams gave a tea and dance in the afternoon at her canteen up at Fontinettes. It was a picturesque-looking place with red brick floor, artistic-looking tables with rough logs for legs and a large open fireplace, typically English, which must have rejoiced the hearts of men so far from Blighty.

AIX LA CHAPELLE, July 27, 1814. I left you turning the corner of Bingen, now let me describe what there presented itself. On the left a beautiful picturesque town, with tower and picturesque-looking steeples placed each exactly on the spot an artist would have selected, with hills and woods on each side and a bridge running over a small river which emptied itself in the Rhine.

It was a picturesque-looking building and there were a number of Germans in and about it, many of them evidently sight-seers like our friends. It was furnished in truly German style, with quaint old-fashioned mantels, holding old pieces of bric-a-brac, and quaint dishes and cabinets hanging on the walls.

And even Olivia allowed that the Grange had not disappointed her. It was a fine, picturesque-looking house, and as they passed to the front, she had a glimpse of a handsome hall panelled in oak. "If you could only live at the Grange," she said, and Greta smiled. Mrs. Broderick told her niece that she was growing very gay and worldly.

All the old picturesque habitations have been devoured by fire, and a New City has risen in their stead; not to compare with the Old City, though and conveying no notion whatever of it any more than you or I, worthy reader, in our formal, and, I grieve to say it, ill-contrived attire, resemble the picturesque-looking denizens of London, clad in doublet, mantle, and hose, in the time of James the First.

"That," he said, with a kind of leashed and restrained ferocity in his voice, "is Major Putnam P. Stone and the P stands for Pest, which is his middle name late of the Southern Confederacy." "Picturesque-looking old fellow, isn't he?" I said. "Picturesque old nuisance," he said, and jabbed at his scalp with his pencil as though he meant to puncture his skull.