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They took Philetus, and went up to the fine group of trees on the mountain, the most difficult to reach, and the best worth reaching of all their nut wood. The sport was very fine; and after spoiling the trees, Philetus was left to "shuck" and bring home a load of the fruit, while Fleda and Hugh took their way slowly down the mountain. She stopped him, as usual, on the old look-out place.

The room was now all one shout, in the midst of which poor Philetus took himself off as speedily as possible. Before Fleda had dried her eyes her attention was taken by a lady and gentleman who had just got out of a vehicle of more than the ordinary pretension and were coming up to the door.

"He has tuk himself off out o" town." "Where to?" "I can't tell you where teu he ain't coming back, 'tain't likely." "How do you know?" "'Cause he's tuk all his traps and went, and he said farming didn't pay and he wa'n't a going to have nothin' more to deu with it; he telled Mis' Simpson so he lived to Mis' Simpson's; and she telled Mr. Ten Eyck." "Are you sure, Philetus?"

Philetus, who was kept handing about a bucket of sap or trudging off for wood, defied all comparison; he was Philetus still; but when Barby came once or twice and peered into the kettle her strong features with the handkerchief she always wore about her head were lit up into a very handsome gypsy.

"Philetus," she said at length, raising her voice a little that it might win to him round the edge of her hood, without turning her face "I wish you would get the ground ready for that other planting of potatoes you needn't stay to help me any longer." " 'Tain't me, I guess," said the voice of Philetus, on the other side of her. Fleda looked in astonishment to make sure that it really was Mr.

"Well he aint just so smart, they say," responded Philetus, insinuating the rope's end as awkwardly as possible among the horse's head-gear. "I believe he's dying." Instead of going round now to the front of the house, Mr. Carleton knocked gently at the kitchen door, and asked the question anew of Barby. "He's come in, Sir, if you please," she said, opening wide the door for him to enter.

She went on busily putting in the plants as she found room for them, and just conscious, as she thought, that Philetus was still standing at her side, she called upon him from time to time, or merely stretched out her hand, for a fresh plant as she had occasion for it.

Then said Christian, What meaneth this? The Shepherds answered, Have you not heard of them that were made to err, by hearkening to Hymeneus and Philetus, as concerning the Faith of the Resurrection of the Body? They answered, Yes.

Quackenboss in the way, who had offered to come with his team for the desired service. "Then you have not been to Mr. Douglass's?" "I have not," said Philetus "I thought likely you wouldn't calculate to want him teu." "How came the doctor to know what you were going for?" "I told him." "But how came you to tell him?

"I didn't know it would take me so long," said Fleda drawing a long breath; "but I couldn't help it. I had those celery plants to prick out, and then I was helping Philetus to plant another patch of corn." "He might have done that without help I should think." "But it must be put in to-day, and he had other things to do." "And then you were at your flowers?