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Parochial and Plain Sermons, vi. 259. Mark Pattison, Memoirs, p. 97. Stray Essays, p. 94. Parochial and Plain Sermons, v. 112. Ibid. vi. 259. Ibid. vi. 340. Grammar of Assent, part i. c. 1 and 2. Parochial and Plain Sermons, vii. 73. Among all the great men of antiquity there is none, with the exception of Cicero, whom we may know so intimately as Saul of Tarsus.

Pattison never stayed in the common-room later than eight in the evening, and a man was no better than a skeleton at a feast who left good fellows for the sake of going over an essay with a pupil, instead of taking a hand at whist or helping them through another bottle. We need not follow the details of the story.

In England, besides Dean Church's 'Oxford Movement, we have biographies by R.H. Hutton and W. Barry, and appreciations or depreciations by E. Abbott, Leslie Stephen, Froude, Mark Pattison, and several others. The interest is mainly personal and psychological. Newman's writings, and his life, are a 'human document' in a very peculiar degree.

The little affair of Pattison to which I have alluded was a different matter altogether. What it was doesn't concern us now, but I knew, anyhow, that the particular recipe I used then was safe. The rest I didn't know so much about, and, on the whole, I was inclined to doubt their safety pretty completely. Yet even if Pyecraft got poisoned

People say that in "Robert Elsmere" Rose is intended for you, Catherine for your sister Laura, the Squire for Mark Pattison, the Provost for me, etc., and Mr. Grey for Professor Green. All the portraits are about equally unlike the originals. Good-bye, you have been sitting with me for nearly an hour, and now, like Laodamia or Protesilaus, you disappear. I have been the better for your company.

"Mr. Pattison," said I, "I am quite at a loss to guess at your meaning. Davus sum, non Oedipus I am Jedediah Cleishbotham, Schoolmaster of the parish of Gandercleuch; no conjuror, and neither reader of riddles, nor expounder of enigmata." "Well," replied Paul Pattison, "Mr.

Let us take another illustration of the false exclusiveness of the definition, in which Pattison erected a peculiar constitutional idiosyncrasy into a complete and final law for the life literary. He used to contend that in many respects the most admirable literary figure of the eighteenth century was the poet Gray.

In witness whereof I have affixed the common Seal of the said office. Thomas Pattison, D. P. "And why Mr. Bull-dog?" asked Cauldwell, after a glance at the paper. "By the airs he takes. Odd's life! if we'd had the Duke of Cumberland aboard, he'd not have carried himself the stiffer. From the day we shipped him, not so much as a word has he passed with one of us, save to threat Mr.

It is not one of the weaknesses which we overlook in great men, and which are to go for nothing. Of overweening egotism Pattison himself at any rate had none. This was partly due to his theory of history, and partly, too, no doubt, to his inborn discouragement of spirit.

Paul Pattison, therefore, listened to a suggestion, which I dropped as if by accident, that if he thought himself capable of filling his brother's place of carrying the work through the press, I would make him welcome to bed and board within my mansion while he was thus engaged, only requiring his occasional assistance at hearing the more advanced scholars.