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"They're too simple. They'll remain so. They're not morbid nor suspicious. And don't you like Francie? You haven't told me so," he added in a moment. "She talks about 'Parus, my dear boy." "Ah to Susan too that seemed the great barrier. But she has got over it. I mean Susan has got over the barrier.

No danger of Parus bicolor coming to want or going to the poorhouse. Another day the juncos are feeding on the seeds of the foxtail or pigeon grass, in an old orchard hard by the border of the woods. Sometimes they will make a dinner of berries the kinds too that are regarded as poisonous to man eating the juicy pulp in their dainty way, and dropping the seeds and rind to the ground.

I have never seen it take to the rocks near the sea, like the Wren. It is mentioned in Professor Ansted's list, and marked as occurring in Guernsey and Sark. There is no specimen in the Museum. GREAT TIT. Parus major, Linnaeus. French, "Mésange Charbonnière."

Rennie, in his next edition of Montagu's Dictionary, will give us a new name for this bird, as the one it has at present is no more applicable to this species than it is to the Parus caeruleus, or the Parus major, and not half so much so as it would be to the Parus biarnicus; and he has changed good names into bad ones with far less reason, witness Corvus frugilegus into Corvus predatorius.

What they wanted was eatable game, and they affected no intelligent interest in knowing the manners and customs of the particular species that was sending up appetising odours from the pot. They even applauded the rudeness of the Boy, who one day responded to Mac's gravely jubilant "Look here! I've got the Parus Hudsonicus!" "Poor old man! What do you do for it?"

"Me and Heinie and Joe was follerin’ the races down to Boolong when this here war come and put everything on the blink. Aw, hell, sez I, come on back to Parus an’ look ’em over before we skiddoo home meanin’ the dames an’ all like that. Say, we done what I said; we come back to Parus, an’ we got in wrong! Listen, Doc; them dames had went crazy over this here war graft. Veeve France, sez they.

I looked at him curiously; turned and glanced along the line where, presently, I recognized his two familiars, Heinie Baum and Pick-em-up Joe Brady with whom he had started off to "Parus" on a month’s summer junket, and with whom he had stumbled so ludicrously into the riff-raff ranks of the 3rd Foreign Legion.

And when anybody after that was indisposed, they said he might be sickening for an attack of Parus Hudsonicus, and in that case it was a bad look-out. Well for Mac that he wouldn't have cared a red cent to impress the greatest naturalist alive, let alone a lot of fellows who didn't know a titmouse from a disease. Meanwhile work on the Big Cabin had gone steadily forward.

She even thanks to the employment by Chalks of what he called his 'inflooence' she even contributed a weekly column of Paris gossip to the Palladium, a newspaper published at Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S.A., Chalks's native town. 'Put in lots about me, and talk as if there were only two important centres of civilisation on earth, Battle Crick and Parus, and it'll be a boom, Chalks said.

The yellow-billed chough. In summer this species is not usually seen at elevations below 11,000 feet. Garrulus bispecularis. The Himalayan jay. Not so abundant as in the Western Himalayas. Parus monticola. The green-backed tit. A common bird. Very abundant round about Darjeeling. Machlolophus spilonotus. The black-spotted yellow tit.