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And he, too, passed out of the town over the southern trail. Later he overhauled the Indian. It was Jim Crow, the chief of the Indian police. "Where do we sleep to-night?" he asked, after greeting the man. Jim Crow, like all his race who worked for the government, never spoke his own language except when necessary. But he still retained his inclination to signs.

The Emperor was now satisfied, and, on his return to the Tuileries, did not notice the exchange, and thought his bed in that chateau very good; and the most amusing part of all was that the ladies of the palace, having learned that the Emperor had complained of his bed, all found an unbearable odor in theirs, and insisted that everything must be overhauled, which created a small revolution.

The rest I turned to with some energy and soon had our towing gear overhauled. There was now a considerable crowd collecting on the dock to watch the ship clear, and as it was still too dark to see objects distinctly, I couldn't tell what was taking place in the waist, for I had to attend sharply to the work on the topgallant forecastle. Mr.

We felt the want of the oars more at this time than any, and I think that with them we might have overhauled her at once. Had she been steered, of course she would have left us astern without hope; but as we chased her now, the unsteady flaws of the rising breeze, which we could make full use of, rather hindered her.

"After yesterday's work there is not a sailor or fisherman in the port but would do all he could to help people to escape from the hands of the butchers, and once on board, it will help you. You may be sure the sailors will do their best to run away if they can, or to hide any on board, should they be overhauled, now they know that they will be guillotined if anyone is found.

Early in the winter of the next year, a small caravan of eight or ten wagons travelling to the Missouri River was overhauled at Nine Mile Ridge, about fifty miles west of Fort Dodge, by a band of Indians, who asked for something to eat.

When the lion saw us coming, he overhauled us for a moment, and then slunk back for concealment; being well to leeward of him I ordered the dogs to be slipped, and galloped forward.

The next day after the Colonel received the dispatch his scouts discovered the same band of Indians, and Col. Elliott sent one company of soldiers out at once after them. The soldiers overhauled them at Clover Valley, which was about forty miles south of the emigrant trail, and attacked the redskins, but they were too much for the soldiers.

The glasses were constantly used by Tom, who was perched on top of the pilot house, sweeping the water for a trace of a sail. "I see her," he shouted. "I mean Ship Ahoy. No, Sail Ho." Directly the Fortuna overhauled the vessel they pursued. "I want to speak to your captain," hailed Jack. "Keep off, or I'll shoot," replied the mate at the rail. "Bob, Bob White," came a whistle from the rigging.

At which my way seemed a trifle complicated. We were about to proceed when another thought struck me. "Madam, you have not said whether the carriage itself was searched." "I forgot. Yes, the carriage was thoroughly overhauled, and before the coachman left the box." "Who did this overhauling?" "My son. He would not trust any other hand than his own in a business of this kind."