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I would have made any sacrifice short of ruin, to emancipate our household from the odious mental and moral thraldom which was invisibly established over us overcasting us with strange anxieties and an undefined terror.

By the dank breath of the wind, the ominous overcasting of the sky, all the little signs that a prairie-wise man learns to read, we knew that a storm was close at hand. Shelter there was none, nor food, and we stood in need of both. "You're right," MacRae admitted. "But how are we going to help it? We'll just have to grin and tough it out."

EVE was accessary to the ruin of man MARY instrumental in the birth of him who came as the Restorer and Saviour of mankind EVE beheld the fatal curse first take effect, in overcasting the heavens with clouds, in withering the blossoms of paradise, envenoming the spirit of the animal creation, disordering the human frame, and ultimately destroying it, and introducing all the nameless diversities of wo which fill up the tragedy of human life.

"I see what you mean," spoke up the professor; "it has turned quite red, and there seems to be a haze overcasting the sky." "It's getting oppressive, too," put in Walt Phelps. "What's up, Pete?" The cow-puncher had, indeed, for some time been noticing the same phenomenon which had just attracted their notice, but he had hesitated to draw their attention to it.

It is worked in horizontal rows alternately from left to right and from right to left. Diagonal lines of thread are first laid from edge to edge of the ground space, and these are sewn down by short overcasting stitches in the cross direction.

It was much more exciting than overcasting seams. Peggy and the pussy-cat had a wild race, and more than one person looked back to see why Peggy Owen, with flying yellow hair, was running at such speed cross-lots, through back yards, and climbing over fences. Suddenly Peggy was caught, as she was scrambling over a fence, by a piece of barbed wire.

Strange to say, the bigness of the distinct blocks of stones was the first sign by which I attained to feel the immensity of the whole pile. When I came, and trod, and touched with my hands, and climbed, in order that by climbing I might come to the top of one single stone, then, and almost suddenly, a cold sense and understanding of the Pyramid’s enormity came down, overcasting my brain.

"Clouds what do you care for clouds?" scoffed Johnny gayly, and in his rollicking tenor, "Just roll dem clouds along," sang he. Politely Maria Angelina waited until he had finished the song, but she waited with an uneasy mind. She cared very much for clouds. They looked very threatening, blowing so suddenly over the mountain top, overcasting the brightness of the way.