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"What a kidder!" says I. "But if you will delay the champion hen expert of the country," and I nods to Old Hickory, "just send word up to Mr. Nash that Mr. Skellings has come with that pair of silver-slashed blue Orpingtons he wanted to see." "Blue which?" says the guard. "Ah, take a look!" says I. "Ain't they some birds? Gold medal winners, both of 'em."

"Well, never mind Cecil he's a tiring subject. Tell me what you think of my chicks." Norah's special fowl yard was a grassy run divided into two parts, with small houses and wire-netted enclosures in each. At present one was devoted to a couple of mothers with clutches of ten and twelve chickens all white Orpingtons.

Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, Orpingtons, Leghorns, Minorcas are the varieties which will do this. Also the selling or confining of old male birds from the time hatching is over until cool weather in fall. Such eggs if consumed when fresh are perfectly wholesome, but when marketed are discriminated against and are likely to become an entire loss.

Coldriver did not know there was such a thing as inviting patronage by skillful display. "Sonny," said Scattergood to a boy digging worms in the shade of the building, "who owns this here ruin?" "Old Tom Plummer," said the boy, and was even able to disclose where old Tom was to be found. Scattergood found him feeding a dozen White Orpingtons.

And apart from the financial loss involved, there is a sense of bereavement in seeing all your choice Dorkings, your favourite Leghorns, your lovely Orpingtons, or your beautiful Silver Wyandottes all lying dead and bedraggled in the muddy cellar. Few things are more disconcerting.

Damon's idea for guarding his prize buff Orpingtons came into play in Tom's scheme of things. "Barbed wire doesn't seem to keep out spies," he added slowly. "But believe me, something else will!" For Tom to think of a thing was to start action without delay. Immediately he called a gang from the shops and set them to work stringing copper wire along the top of the stockade.

The exact history of the formation of the American or mixed breeds is in dispute, but it is certain that they have been formed from a complex mixing of blood from both European and Asiatic sources. The English have recently furnished the world with a very popular breed which was originated by the same methods. I refer to the Orpingtons.

Last night they got me out of bed twice fooling around the chicken house and yard. Other neighbors have lost their hens already. I don't mean to lose mine. Want you to help me, Tom." "Is that all that is worrying you, Mr. Damon?" laughed the young fellow. "Bless my radiator! isn't that enough?" "I know you set your clock by those buff Orpingtons," agreed Tom. "That's right.

"And Rad promptly cured him of the disease," laughed Tom. "And I'm trying to cure these others. I've charged my shotgun with rock-salt as he did. My servant has orders to shoot anybody who tampers with my chicken house tonight. "But bless my shirt!" exclaimed Mr. Damon, "I'll never be able to sleep comfortably until I know that no thief can get at my buff Orpingtons.

Talk of the chicken farm came back and back, the women, even at fifty, impulsive at heart, sketching on the cloudy future flocks of Leghorns, Cochin Chinas, Orpingtons; like Jacob in the blur of her outline; but powerful as he was; fresh and vigorous, running about the house, scolding Rebecca.