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Wolcot was a good friend to Opie, though their intercourse did not remain very cordial; but for a time they even entered into some sort of partnership together, in London, and there can be no doubt that the painter was thus introduced to a wider circle than he would otherwise have reached. He became the "Cornish Wonder," and felt able to tell Wolcot that he could get on by himself.

"Lady Thornby and Lady Melton and Lily Opie and her sister are going out to the shooters' lunch," Laura said sweetly. "As you are going to be deprived of your lovely wife, Tristram, I will come, too."

Bluebell sat down to the piano and executed a selection from Rossini's 'Messe Solennelle' with force and fervour. "You play very well, child," said Miss Opie. "That is fortunate," said Bluebell, "for I mean to be a governess." "You mean you want a governess," retorted the other. "Why, what in the world do you know?" "More than most children of ten years old. I might get a hundred dollars a year.

He found a jolly company: James Whitcomb Riley, Sol Smith Russell the actor, Opie Read, and a number of Chicago's literary men. When seven o'clock came, some one suggested to Field that something to eat might not be amiss. "Shortly," answered the poet. "Wife is out; cook is new, and dinner will be a little late. Be patient." But at eight o'clock there was still no dinner.

You must paint portraits here. 'I won't, said young Haydon, clenching his teeth, and he marched off to Opie. He found a coarse-looking, intellectual man who, after reading the introductory letter, said quietly, 'You are studying anatomy master it were I your age, I would do the same. The last visit was to Fuseli, who had a great reputation for the terrible, both as artist and as man.

Fuseli had aided Northcote and Opie in obtaining admission to the Academy, and when he desired some station for himself, he naturally expected their assistance they voted against him, and next morning went together to his house to offer an explanation.

"Not to speak of foreigners Miss Burney Mrs. Inchbald Mrs. Opie," said Godfrey. "True; and yet I and yet " said Miss Hauton, pausing and sighing. "And yet that was not what I was thinking of," she should have said, had she finished her sentence with the truth; but this not being convenient, she left it unfinished, and began a new one, with "Some of these novels are sad trash I hope Mr.

How can those whose young hearts beat high in anticipation of a good name, even in this world, be willing to jeopardize their character by the commission of so much meanness! I need not enter into particulars, especially when the invaluable work of Mrs. Opie is before the world.

Wilberforce, when he was staying at Lowestoft in 1816, wrote: ‘I am still full of Earlham and its excellent inhabitants. One of our great astronomers stated it as probable there may be stars whose light has been travelling to us from the Creation, and has not yet reached our little planet. Opie was one of the Norwich stars.

Paul's, dukes and marquises contending for the honor of being his pallbearers. Around him are buried his disciples and followers Lawrence , Barry , Opie , West , Fuseli ; but the most remarkable grave is that of William Maillord Turner, whose dying request was that he might be buried as near as possible to Sir Joshua.