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This repetition of the Seven Vowels gives the following meanings to them: AAA = Living of Living Ones, HHH = Holy of Holy Ones, EEE = Being of Beings, III = Father of Fatherhoods, OOO = God of Gods, YYY=Lord of Lords, ΩΩΩ = Space of Spaces or Æon of Æons.

In February, when I need a home, there is always an old Crow's or Hawk's nest ready for me; and as for my young, they are hardy and need no pampering! Whooo-ooo-hooo ooo! Hands off, Bird and House People! The Great Horned Owl knows how to use both beak and claws!" "Bound over for trial," said the Eagle, "and you are lucky not to be committed for contempt of court."

Oh, yes, deadly still for a long minute's interval, and then out of the nowhere ahead, with a suddenness which each time caused his weakened nerves to vibrate like fiddle strings, would burst the bellow of the great foghorn. Silence, the splash and "sugg" of Galusha's sodden shoes moving up and down, up and down and then: "OW ooo ooo -ooo OOO!!"

But I don't think he'll come again." "Did you hit him?" "Hit him, sir? What with that there stone? Not I. Nobody couldn't hit him with stick or stone neither. Keepers can't even hit him with their guns, or he'd been a dead 'un long ago. He's the slipperest dog as ever was." "Hy yow ow oo ooo!" came from a distance a pitiful cry that was mournful in the extreme. "Hear that, sir?"

As Rebecca Mary lay and waited for her camomile tea she was certain she could hear him stepping about under the window. Once he came directly under and "crew," and then Rebecca Mary hid her head in the pillow for he was letting it out. "Cock-a-doodle-do ooo, did-you-see-me-swoo-oo-OOP-it-up?" crowed Thomas Jefferson, under the window.

"Go ahead, throw him one," Grove said to Pee-wee. But I guess Pee-wee didn't have any jawbreakers to spare. His cheeks were sticking out and there was licorice all over his lips, and he said this is the way it sounded: "I ooo go to goo to are " something like that, honest. "Go in and wash your face," Doc said; "you look like a minstrel actor in a rainstorm." "Yu sht p m nd r n business."

Case, having paid Sir Arthur some compliments on his great legal abilities, and his high reputation at the bar, he coolly replied, "I have left the bar." The attorney looked in unfeigned astonishment, that a man who was actually making 3,OOO pounds per annum at the bar should leave it.

They then turned their attention to smaller fish, but owing to their late arrival and "long lingering about the whale" chasing a whale that they could not kill because it was not the right kind the best season for fishing was passed. Nevertheless, they secured some 40,000 cod the figure is naturally raised to 6o,ooo when Smith retells the story fifteen years afterwards.

He was crying, too, but nobody could really tell it from the sound he made, which was something like 'Woo ooo, woo ooo, and very mournful. "Uncle Brownwood Bear was just rounding the big rock there at the turn when he came face to face with Cousin Redfield and his hay. Reddie thought his father would be angry when he saw him, but he wasn't not at first.

'Oh, said he full of the promised cow, 'I doan't care for that there Brown chap, he bean't no good; zo I jest put a cross agen he, and voted for Stiggins. The dream of life was accomplished, the labourer had a vote, and irony he voted exactly opposite to his intent. Too-whoo! ooo! the sound of a horn, the hunt was up; but this was not the hunting season.